Girl? Are Mink Lashes Even Worth It?
Hey girl! So as you guys know I am a makeup artist and peak (prom and wedding) season is upon me. With that I have noticed a lot of my clients and potential clients have inquired about mink lashes. So Ive decided to post a quick hey girl hey about them.
Mink lashes are made from the shedding or tail of the Siberian or Chinese mink, a very small and cute animal related to the outer. I have never owned a Mink fur before (everybody ain't able) however mink fur is said to be very soft, thick and super durable. I have no clue who looked at the shedding and said hmmmm lets put these on our eye lashes….but I thank them. Mink lashes are very popular because they're fluffy, which give them their natural and full appearance. They blend very easily with your real lashes without the need of mascara. Also unlike silk or synthetic fiber lashes Mink lashes can be reused up to 25 times heeeeey can we say monies worth!!!!! They are super glamorous and really help to bring a brides look together. They retail at around $15-$50 for a basic hand made pair. However I have heard of Beyonce paying $300 a pair for hers.
I personally think mink lashes are worth it for that special occasion. However you can get you a nice pair of faux mink lashes usually made of silk and synthetic fibers. I actually just found a few nice pairs from eBay. Also you can stack a pair of human hair lashes together (something I do often) to achieve the desired look as well. Real quick if you are a makeup artist who charges $35-$75 for a full face you would need to use mink lashes as an add on service. The cost for a pair of lashes is nearly half the cost of the service. So with that being said I usually add on an extra $50 for a pair of mink lashes or have the client provide them. I will talk about surcharges and add ons a a makeup artist at a later date.
How to tell the real from the fake honestly you would have to be very familiar with mink fur to know the difference. I mean they hare made from sheddings, I know I can't tell real hair sheddings from weave. No but for serious a huge tell tell sign is pricing a vendor selling mink lashes for $2 probably would need to get the side eye. I Also stick with reputable companies and read reviews as well so you don't get got. Always look for reviews of the company on youtube first trust me you will always find a review on youtube. I hope this helps to answer the questions about mink lashes.
Where can I buy some mink lashes:
Happy Belated New Year
Hey girl heeeeeeeey! It's been a whole good year since I last posted anything, I think its been long enough. I get all the emails and I promise I haven't given up blogging/vlogging. This is just a quick update on what I've been doing etc. Well most of you know I graduated last January and completed the proper steps to become a licensed Esthetician. Ya girl done messed around and got her teeth fixed lol I'll talk about that later. I have a new fur baby named Casey he is a pit bull/Shar Pei mix and girl I drive a school bus during the day (random I know lol). Life has been really good to me and I'm happy to be back to what I love BLOGGING!
Now I know you had to of noticed the name change formally yahgirltiffy! The name change is due to me growing up y'all and yahgirltiffy really was made in fun. Yvonne is my grandmothers name so that's where the name Yvonne's Daughter came from. I feel that sums up who I am pretty well. This blog will still have the same content just more family/life style focused if that makes sense. I don't have much more to talk about! Post will be made every week on mondays. Thank you all who continues to support me through all these years!!!!
Beauty Tip | How to avoid clogged pores from wearing foundation.
Beauty Tip
preventing breakouts from makeup
Heeeeey! I haven't posted in a month of Sunday's first off I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I have been so busy with life a lot has changed in my life and it has all been for the good. I'll feel you guys in at a later time. Anyways this is going to be a beauty tip for all my makeup lovers out there that are constantly getting breakouts from wearing makeup.
I love makeup however I have large pores that are prone to getting clogged up and inflamed. I would try foundation after foundation and end up hating it because it would break me out. So like most people I thought I had sensitive skin and couldn't wear foundation. It wasn't until I went to school and learned the word comedogenic. Comedogenic means its pore clogging meaning it has a ingredient(s) in it that will clog your pores aka it cause ACNE. So I started to look for foundations that were non comedogenic that took out basically all drug store brands and left me with only a few companies, who's foundation I could wear. That is when I realized about 95% of the foundation on the market is comedogenic. Below is a List of Comedogenic Ingredients that can cause acne.Unfortunately, they are commonly found in makeup, suntan lotions, cleansers and even acne products! So avoiding these ingredients can me nearly impossible so I have found a routine that has really helped stop my breakouts after wearing makeup.
My Skin Care Routine:
1.Cleanse face with a make up wipe
2. 2nd cleanse with a oil base cleanser for sensitive skin
3. I then use my Murad vitamin C cleanser with a face brush
4. Tone
5. apply serum
6. Moisturize
Depending on what day of the week I also use a gel masque.
*Cleansers aren't as important as the makeup and lotions you are leaving on your skin all day. ONE EXCEPTION: Cleansers with Sodium Laurel Sulfate will leave a film on your skin ALL day long. This is the worst problem with most cleansers.
People with normal/dry skin, that aren't prone to break outs usually don't have a problem with most ingredients on the list.
People with normal/dry skin, that aren't prone to break outs usually don't have a problem with most ingredients on the list.
Ingredients that are Comedogenic:
High | Acetylated Lanolin |
High | Acetylated Lanolin Alcohol |
High | Algae Extract |
High | Algin |
Medium | Almond Oil |
Medium | Apricot Kernel Oil |
Medium | Arachidic Acid |
Medium | Ascorbyl Palmitate |
Medium | Avocado Oil |
Medium | Azulene |
Medium | Behenic acid |
Medium | Benzaldehyde |
Medium | Benzoic Acid |
Medium | BHA |
High | Bismuth oxychloride may cause cystic acne |
High | Butyl Stearate |
Medium | Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) |
Medium | Cajeput Oil |
Medium | Camphor |
Medium | Capric Acid |
Medium | Caprylic acid |
High | Carrageenans |
Medium | Cetearyl Alcohol |
High | Cetearyl Alcohol + Ceteareth 20 |
Medium | Cetyl Alcohol |
Medium | Chamomile |
High | Coal tar |
High | Cocoa Butter |
High | Coconut Butter |
High | Coconut Oil |
High | Colloidal Sulfur |
High | Corn Oil |
High | Cotton Aws Oil |
High | Cotton Seed Oil |
High | Crisco |
High | D & C Red # 17 |
Medium | D & C Red # 19 |
High | D & C Red # 21 |
High | D & C Red # 3 |
High | D & C Red # 30 |
High | D & C Red # 36 |
Medium | D & C Red #27 |
Medium | D & C Red #40 |
High | Decyl Oleate |
High | Dioctyl Succinate |
High | Disodium Monooleamido PEG 2-Sulfosuccinate |
High | Ethoxylated Lanolin |
High | Ethylhexyl Palmitate |
Medium | Evening Primrose Oil |
High | Glyceryl Stearate SE -MUST have SE after the stearate |
High | Glyceryl-3-Disostearate-(MUST have a "3" with it) |
Medium | Grape Seed Oil (extract is OK) |
High | Hexadecyl Alcohol |
Medium | Hexylene Glycol |
High | Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil |
High | Isocetyl Stearate |
High | Isodecyl Oleate |
High | isoproply linoleate |
High | Isopropyl Isosterate |
High | Isopropyl lanolate |
High | Isopropyl Myristate |
High | Isopropyl Palmitate |
High | isostearic acid |
High | isostearyl acid |
High | Isostearyl Isostearate |
High | Isostearyl Neopentanoate |
High | lanolic acid |
High | Laureth 23 |
High | Laureth 4 |
High | Lauric Acid |
High | Linseed oil |
High | Mink Oil |
High | Myreth 3 myrstate |
High | Myristic Acid |
High | Myristyl Lactate |
High | Myristyl Myristate |
High | Octyl Palmitate |
High | Octyl Stearate |
Medium | Octyldodecanol |
High | Oleic Acid |
Medium | Oleth-10 |
High | Oleth-3 |
High | Oleyl Alcohol |
Medium | Olive Oil (but Olive Oil Extract is OK) |
Medium | Palmitic Acid |
Medium | Peach Kernel Oil |
Medium | Peanut Oil |
Medium | PEG 100 Distearate |
Medium | PEG 150 Distearate |
High | PEG 16 Lanolin |
High | PEG 200 Dilaurate |
Medium | Peg 75 lanolin |
High | PEG 8 Stearate |
Medium | Pentarythrital Tetra Isostearate |
Medium | PG Dipelargonate |
Medium | PG Dipelargonate |
High | PG Monostearate |
High | Polyglyceryl-3-Disostearate (the "3" must be present) |
High | Potassium Chloride |
High | PPG 2 Myristyl Propionate |
High | Propylene Glycol Monostearate |
High | Red Algae |
Medium | Sandalwood Seed Oil |
Medium | Sesame Oil |
High | Shark Liver Oil |
High | Salt - Table Salt or Sodium Chloride |
High | Sodium Laureth Sulfate |
High | Sodium Lauryl Sulfate-leaves a film on skin-clogs pores |
High | Solulan 16 |
High | Sorbitan Oleate |
High | Sorbitan Sesquinoleate |
High | Soybean Oil |
High | Steareth 10 |
Medium | Steareth 2 |
Medium | Steareth 20 |
Medium | Stearic Acid |
High | Stearic Acid Tea |
Medium | Stearyl Alcohol |
High | Stearyl Heptanoate |
High | Sulfated Castor Oil |
High | Sulfated Jojoba Oil (Jojoba beads are OK) |
High | Syearyl Heptanoate |
Medium | Tocopherol (Tocopherol Acetate is OK) |
Medium | Triethanolamine |
Medium | Vitamin A Palmitate-(ONLY this form of Vitamin A) |
High | Wheat Germ Glyceride |
High | Wheat Germ Oil |
High | Xylene |
I Did The Big Chop Again!!!
I Big Chopped Again
I would like this post to encourage anyone out there that may be thinking about doing a big chop. This short style may not be something that works for you. However short or long you want you hair just do it. I honestly think there is nothing more beautiful then wearing your natural hair texture. Because I am a black woman I am exotic my look is timeless and I can rock anything. From weave,braids or a low cut fade. I feel so sexy with my hair and honestly I think it matures me. I could care less about my critics or what anybody thinks. Honestly getting married had a lot to do with this decision and over coming my personal insecurities. I do plan on growing my hair out again once I become pregnant until then I will keep rocking the fade. May God continue to bless us all thanks for reading stay beautiful and be inspired.
The Benefits of Protein Treatments on Damaged Hair!!
You may have heard about or seen protein treatments for hair, with the promise of strengthening dry damaged hair. So you think to your self hmmmm I want to try this. The big question is should you? Are protein treatments good for your hair? The answer is it depends if you have colored treated hair,relaxed or heat styled hair. Then yes a protein treatment would be very beneficial to you. However if your hair is chemical free then a protein treatment may have little to no benefit for your hair. You actually may end up causing more harm then good to your hair. Too much protein in your hair will cause your hair to become dry, brittle and it WILL break off. The reason being is your hair is made up of a very tough protein called keratin. When your style your hair such as relaxing,coloring and heat style you break down that protein. This causes your hair to become weak and to break/shed. A monthly or bimonthly protein treatment on chemically processed hair will help your hair bounce back. This is especially good for those naturals that like to straighten their hair with heat.
Do I Need a Protein Treatment in My Hair?
If you have any of these signs, try a protein treatment and follow a regular protein regimen right away:
- Loss of elasticity - Hair in good condition can stretch under normal conditions without breaking. If you're wondering about the elasticity in your hair, try this test: stretch wet hair and see if it easily snaps back without breaking. If it does, your hair is in good shape. If you stretch it and it breaks easily, you need to increase the protein in your hair.
- Serious damage - When hair has been over processed with chemicals, it can feel and look like seaweed when it's wet. When dry, it may feel like a rough Brillo pad. This isn't regular dryness that black hair is prone to. Although black hair may not feel exactly like silk, healthy hair is soft to the touch.
- Severe breakage - This isn't the average hair shedding that everyone experiences on a daily basis. Regular shedding often comes out in a comb or brush. When your hair breaks due to weakness, you'll find strands of it everywhere; on your pillow, on the back of your seat, on your shirt. It may make a snapping or popping sound when you comb it.
For severe damage, a protein treatment may hold off the inevitable and prevent shedding all over the place, but eventually you should cut off all of your damaged hair. This is the only way to enjoy healthy hair over your entire head.
Spring Makeup/Fashion Trends 2014
Hey Loves its officially spring, now if we can only get mother nature to get the memo already. When I think of spring I like to skip the April showers and go right to the May flowers. I like to think of big bold flowers and pastel colors. Spring is like the best season ever it incorporates both winter and summer. You are able to wear a nice flirty summer dress with a beautiful cardigan on top. I have gathered a few pictures from the web that I think will be big trends this season.
This spring you will see lots of color bold bright colors so don't be afraid to stand out!
The pointed toe pump is back and better then ever
You will see alot of orange lips Orange is for sure the stand out color for Spring 2014
As for me you will see alot of color blocking and fresh face makeup with a bold lip this spring. I plan to wear my hair in long braids this entire season. As far as my shoe I love that the pump as made a comeback. You will for sure see me rocking a nice 4 inc pump this season. However my go to spring show will always be a nice flat or wedge! What will you be rocking this spring?
Products used in Makeup Demo
Hey loves her is a full list of products used in my recent Makeup Demo on my Youtube channel.
Eye Brows: Mac Brow Pencil in the color Spiked
Anastasia Beverley Hills Brow Dip in the color Chocolate
Concealer Palette to shape Brows came from aliexpress.com
Eyes: Urban Decay Primer Potion in the color Eden
Brow Bone High Light Mac eye shadow in the Color Arena
1st Crease color: from my elf palette
2nd crease/transition color: Milk Chocolate from The Two Faced Chocolate Palette
Inner Tear Duck Lid Color: Champagne Truffle from The Two Faced Chocolate Bar Palette
2nd Lid Color: Strawberry Bon Bon from The Two Faced Chocolate Bar Palette
Outter V Color: Black Forest Truffle from The Two Faced Chocolate Bar Palette
Liquid Liner: Wet Wild in Black
Lower Lash Line Liner: NYC eye liner pencil in Black
False Lashes: Red Cherry #43
Foundation Primer: Benefit Porefessional Primer
Under Eye Concealer: MAC mineralize concealer in the color NC45
Foundation: Mac Match Master in the color 7.0
Contour: Mac Blush in the color Razin
Concealer used to highlight is a no name concealer palette
Loose Setting Powder: Ben Nye in the color Banana
Blush: NYX mosaic powder blush in the color Paradise
2nd highlight: Physician Formula Pearl powder
Setting Spray: NYX Dewy finish Setting Spray
Lip Liner: NYX in the color Pinky
Lip Stick: Mac Girl About Town
Lip Gloss: NYX in the Color Addis
Tools Used: My makeup brush set by Pueen can be purchased from Amazon.com and My Beauty Blender can be purchased from Sephora.
FULL LIST of sites you can purchase all items used to create this look.
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