
Some of the Ratchett things on my bucket list!!

  I have a few goals I want to accomplish that some may view ass ratchett and I say oh f!@#$ing well #sueme! 

1: I wanna get my entire left side of my body tatted with a huge as leopard...I wanna get an entire sleeve on my left arm.  I also wanna get a double lip piercing.

2: I wanna buy some lace front wigs....

3: I wanna buy a 86 El Camino and get it painted all black with magenta sparkles in the paint....with all black leather on the inside and magenta trimming   I wanna blast  the song "Low Rider" through my speakers while driving slow down a neighborhood.

4: I wanna learn how to pole dance im talking about bitch drop it low pole dancing.

5: I wanna meet the porn star Pinky and have her sign my ass....and smack her on the ass

Just a few things from my bucket list!!

Like a Caged Bird!!!!

      I am truly blessed to have a job but I'm also not happy with my current situation.  I feel that I have more to offer the world besides being a bill collector/customer service rep for corporate America.  My spirit feels very unfulfilled I guess to sum it all up I feel like a caged bird.  Things that I want to accomplish In my life at this point just doesn't seem like a reality.  For the last few weeks I felt myself slip into a depression I cried almost every day for two weeks straight.  I am not happy at all with my current living situation or my job some days I just wanna step out on faith. 

     Going to the club and partying has never been my thing its just not something I like doing.  Pretty much it seems that is all that is expected of you to do when your young and have no kids.  I wanna start back doing things that make my happy and fulfilling.  I wanna eat different cultures food Indian, Italian, Haitian,African etc.  I wanna do something daring once a month like hiking,rock climbing, snorkeling etc.  Life is just too short to be sad and depressed everyday. Although I am not happy with my current situation God has giving me my health,my mind,spirit and life. For that I am truly grateful many people would do anything to have my life right now.  I am focusing on living my life to the complete full potential regardless of what I may think are road blocks.

    I thought moving to Florida would be a new fresh start but a lot of the things I was going thru in KC have followed me here.  That lets me know there is a lesson to be learned that I haven't mastered yet.  What ever God is trying to teach me I am fully ready to learn.  With that I have also learned to stop speaking things into my life that I don't want.  They say faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain, I also believe so can negativity.  I can give you guys countless examples on the things god has worked out for me.  With that being said no more tears no more depression just living. 


Chris Brown Admits to Being In Love Both Rihanna and Karreuche!!!!


     Chris Brown has posted a Video on his YouTube channel expressing his stress over being in love with two women.  Those women being Rihanna and his most recent ex girlfriend Karreuche now I don't know if this video was used as a way to get Karreuche back. But reports say she has finally broken up with Chris after he was spotted getting cozy with both Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls and with his ex-girlfriend, Rihanna.  I for one kind of feel she should of been broke up with Chris Brown's ass after he did cake with Rihanna sneak dissing Karreuche....In the song cake Rihanna sings the lyrics "Sweeter Than a Rice Cake" now to some that might seem like nothing.  But if you follow Rihanna on twitter than you know her shady ass is always calling Karreuche a rice cake because she is Vietnamese.


   I kinda feel like he is too young to be in a relationship right now.  He clearly loves really hard and doesn't understand the difference between love and lust.  Yes I think he really loved Rihanna at one point of a time but now I think he is just lusting after her.  Now with that being said I don't know anything about their story and their love.  Watching this video made me feel like he is just any other dude walking around tryna have his "CAKE" and eat it.



All naturals are NOT created equal!!!!




      I am going natural is a term a lot of African American women use when they are wanting to stop using relaxers on their hair.  Within the last few years being natural has really become the new thing to do.  Hair care companies are recognizing this and have started to tailor to the more kinky,curly ladies. I have also noticed other race of women with not so kinky hair also embracing their natural hair texture.  They have also decided to stop chemically altering their hair texture with things like dye,hair spray etc.  Now the politically correct part of me wants to say going natural is the same for all women.  However the realist in me has to keep it all the way 100. I know people may read this blog post and feel some type of way and that's ok. 

     I disagree 100% that going natural means the same thing for white woman as it does for a woman with African decent (kinky hair).  I am apart of a natural hair group on facebook where women of all ethnic backgrounds come together to embrace their natural hair journey.  There is one woman apart of this group that is white.  I don't have a problem with it however I don't think she fully understands the struggle behind going natural as a black woman would.  A big chop is a drastic approach to cutting all your hair off in order to grow your hair chemically free. I agree that any race can do the big chop however I don't agree that we would all have the same struggle.

     First off in the African American community a black woman's hair is always been used as a way to judge us.  If you are mixed and had real curly hair as a kid you were always told you had good hair.  If you had very thick course hair then you were told you had nappy hair and it needed to be relaxed.  So the stigma of showing your natural chemically unaltered hair was installed in you as a very young age as unacceptable.  A lot of African American women are living there adult life right now not having a clue on what their natural hair texture really looks like.  They assume at the very sight of new growth that there hair is unmanageable and in need of a relaxer.

     I am here to say any one can say they are going natural its cute in all. However no one will know how it feels to be called nappy headed.  To be told by a man of the same exact race,creed and color that natural hair isn't for everybody.  The feeling of doing your big chop and showing it to your family and friends and being told by loved ones you need a wig.  having to wear a wig to a job interview because your afraid you will be stereotyped, or not getting the job because of your Afro.  Being told by coworkers that your type of natural is not the good natural.  So yeah I can admit this and sorry if it offends someone but don't expect me to give a damn if your white and decide to cut all your hair off in hopes of going natural.  Yeah there are some white women out there with curly hair I know this but still honey you will never know how it feels to be a black woman with "NAPPY HAIR".