
CurlBox drama aint nobody got time for that!!!!

     Since moving to Tampa I have really struggled to find my staple hair products stocked, on the shelves of stores I am used to finding them at.  I am the type of "natural" that once I find a product that works I stick to it. So when my local Walmart, Walgreens, Target and CVS doesn't have a ethnic hair section or if they do its never stocked, small as hell and the BSS (beauty supply store) are over priced.  I have been forced to start trying other products in the mean time until I move back home.  With that being said I have been forced to shop online for hair products that work with my 4C texture hair. That's when I heard about the Curlkit and Curlbox but I am having a hard time choosing who to go with.  Both are black owned businesses founded and ran by African American women yes ma'am.    

     For those of you reading this and thinking what is a CurlBox and CurlKit, let me explain them real quick. These are monthly subscriptions were you are sent 5-7 samples and sometimes full size hair products in a box.  For a monthly fee of $20 charged to your credit card that you have to save on file with the companies.  Both of these companies are great for people that like to try new hair products often, cough cough (product junkies).  So with the Curlbox subscription spots are very limited and you have to wait until they have a open enrollment to subscribe to the company.  This makes the company appealing even more because it feels exclusive.  Now who doesn't want to feel like they are apart of some exclusive ish lol.  Now with the CurlKit you just sign up and you can start receiving your subscriptions the next month.

     While doing my research on the CurlBox I found a recent YouTube video where a young lady was very upset about the products and customer service from CurlBox.  She also expressed that the CEO Myleiks way of handling her concerns were very unprofessional and damn right disrespectful that she decided to take her business to CurlKit and report Myleik to the BBB.  Honey that's a whole lot of drama and madness that I will have to save for a later blog post lol.  But if you want to go watch the video you know my messy ass will have a link to it right here >>>>VIDEO!!!! <<<<<.

     Even with all the drama surrounding CurlBox I still kinda wanna subscribe one because The Curlkit seems hella bootleg to me. I know everybody is loving it and feels its so much better but to me it seems like a  straight wanna be.  I mean even the website curlkit.com seems bootleg.  Go compare the two companies sites curlbox.com just seems more fancy for a lack of a better word HAHAHA!!  Since I haven't subscribed to any of them I guess I can't be throwing shade lol.  With all that being said I think I might go ahead and roll with CurlKit.  Because even though I feel they need to hire a better graphic designer to make their website look a little better, I still have heard nothing but great things about it.
     As for Ms. Myleik well I think she needs to do a better job of not mixing her personal feelings with business, it turns off potential customers like myself.  I mean if your company is going to be a exclusive and bougee acting.  you would think one would have better "PR" skills I'm just saying.  Don't nobody got time to be going back and forward with you on Instagram because of an opinion.  Not everyone will like or love each months products you have to have a thick skin when your providing products and service especially when your dealing with these new age naturals lol.  I am very outspoken and if I feel like your being shady with your business practices I will let everybody know about it.  So I rather not have to deal with that at all...This was her first full year so hopefully she learned from her mistakes and 2013 will be better. 

thanks for your support


Update: 7 Months in Tampa and Stuff!!!!

     Hey y'all, wow its been a while since I sat down to actually write a blog post.  A lot has happen in the past few months a lot of great things.  I am happy to report that a lot of the things from my vision board has come to past.  As you guys know I have moved to Florida and its going to be seven months on 25th that I have been living here.  Time has really flew by fast my time here has been mixed with a lot of different emotions.  I have made some life long friendships here and have proven to myself something I already knew. That I can meet a friend anywhere no matter where I move to.  So I know you guys wanna know the scoop on Tampa life right? Well I don't really mix and mingle here or get out often for that matter, I know sad right?  

     Well first off the night life here is ten times better than the night life in KC hands down.  In KC their are only a handful of urban clubs to pick from.  All of them are ratchet and full of drama and violence and just all around not a place I would wanna be.  Now I'm not the clubbing type anyway but I will say Tampa has some pretty chill spots to kick it.  I have yet to feel like I'm going to get shot up at the club since I have been here.  Now lets get to the part I know you ladies (and some of you guys) wanna know.

     HOW ARE THE MEN IN TAMPA!!!  Well I am in a relationship so that could have a lot to do with my overall feelings.  No for me I have yet to see a good looking guy since I have been here or one that can dress with the current fashion trend.  A lot of the people here seem to be stuck in the 90's with fashion.  That's something I am not use to seeing back home in KC.  One thing I can say about the town is when we step out we show up and show out.  But anyway I don't wanna bash Tampa people at all so lets just move on OK!!!

     My overall feelings as of now (because they can change) I am so happy for this opportunity to live in a new City for a year.  I am so happy to have met my friends and coworkers it has truly been a blessing.  I am living my life just the way I want it.  As for my future here in Tampa long term I don't see myself living in Tampa for good.  I am currently in a long term relationship (girl that's a whole other blog post) with the goal to move back home to be with him.  Now as of right now that definitely seems like its going to happen and I am super excited to start my life with who will most likely be my husband.  But you know God has the last say and you know how the saying goes "Wanna make God laugh tell him about your plans."

Thanks for your support until
next time xoxo!!