You may have heard about or seen protein treatments for hair, with the promise of strengthening dry damaged hair. So you think to your self hmmmm I want to try this. The big question is should you? Are protein treatments good for your hair? The answer is it depends if you have colored treated hair,relaxed or heat styled hair. Then yes a protein treatment would be very beneficial to you. However if your hair is chemical free then a protein treatment may have little to no benefit for your hair. You actually may end up causing more harm then good to your hair. Too much protein in your hair will cause your hair to become dry, brittle and it WILL break off. The reason being is your hair is made up of a very tough protein called keratin. When your style your hair such as relaxing,coloring and heat style you break down that protein. This causes your hair to become weak and to break/shed. A monthly or bimonthly protein treatment on chemically processed hair will help your hair bounce back. This is especially good for those naturals that like to straighten their hair with heat.
Do I Need a Protein Treatment in My Hair?
If you have any of these signs, try a protein treatment and follow a regular protein regimen right away:
- Loss of elasticity - Hair in good condition can stretch under normal conditions without breaking. If you're wondering about the elasticity in your hair, try this test: stretch wet hair and see if it easily snaps back without breaking. If it does, your hair is in good shape. If you stretch it and it breaks easily, you need to increase the protein in your hair.
- Serious damage - When hair has been over processed with chemicals, it can feel and look like seaweed when it's wet. When dry, it may feel like a rough Brillo pad. This isn't regular dryness that black hair is prone to. Although black hair may not feel exactly like silk, healthy hair is soft to the touch.
- Severe breakage - This isn't the average hair shedding that everyone experiences on a daily basis. Regular shedding often comes out in a comb or brush. When your hair breaks due to weakness, you'll find strands of it everywhere; on your pillow, on the back of your seat, on your shirt. It may make a snapping or popping sound when you comb it.
For severe damage, a protein treatment may hold off the inevitable and prevent shedding all over the place, but eventually you should cut off all of your damaged hair. This is the only way to enjoy healthy hair over your entire head.