hey ladies sooooo I've decided to start posting my outfits and how much the items cost and where i purchased them from :)....not to brag its strictly to prove you can look cute and still shop at places like rainbow, F21, wetseal,goodwill etc.....i don't think i own anything name brand and if i do it was on sale....now I'm no damn fashion expert nothing but I'm a woman and i like dressing nice so i think i can help some ladies out.....number on rule i follow is i never let others dictate my pockets....if i don't got it i don't got it...and if i got it and i want it i get it....i never shop to show off i never get dressed to impress....i just like looking like a lady.....
ok so this fall I'm rocking the blazers :) soooo yall know I'm headed to the goodwill to find some cute blazers....i think I'm not sure yet i might get a little into makeup idk yet.......that mess take too much time tho...so yeah shoes,hair and all that girly stuff are the plans for my blog.....
Sol-Angel And The Hadley St. Dreams CD review
"I know you think you love me
But love ain't never stopped nobody
From creeping around every once in a while
When things start to settle down
And so I won't look like a clown
I' m a call it now....I told you so"
But love ain't never stopped nobody
From creeping around every once in a while
When things start to settle down
And so I won't look like a clown
I' m a call it now....I told you so"
ok so I'm at Walmart to pick up a few things....one of em being Jill Scott newest album....while i was looking for her joint i stumbled upon Solange cd.....it was five bucks so I'm like what the heck....girl this CD has been on heavy rotation since i put the joint in....it came out back in 2008 and honestly i feel like a missed out on three years worth of damn good music.....her vocals on this album are amazing she isn't tryna sound like anybody else....point blank home girl is underrated....
the first song on the album "God given name" she is saying don't put her in a box she isn't her sister....this song is a perfect start to the album....its perfect for the first track.....ok honey every joint on the album is my fav i don't skip not one....click this link so you can hear all the songs and get the lyrics......http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=7716559
i love music and enjoy giving my reviews....i say give her a chance its at walmart for only $5...i promise when you put the album in you will love it....yes you gotta listen to her...isn't that the point of music...you gotta listen to hear the point the person is tryna make...once you hear it you'll understand why i said she is underrated....
Dear Fucking Parents!
These kids of ours are bad ass hell point blank.......these little ragga muffins are running around with guns shooting up the plaza....so y'all know the white folk are like hell to the no....not because some black kids got hurt but because it isn't a good look for the plaza...they will start losing money blah blah blah....ok I'm on twitter and it was asked what do we suggest we do for these kids to keep them busy....maybe a little spot like we had when i was younger hot summer night stuff like that.....I'm about to be real blunt and sorry if i come of ignorant I'm far from that but....these bad ass hoodlums don't deserve a damn thing if you ask me....i wouldn't pay a dime to help fund shit for these Bae Bae's.....they need to have a seat right now....ok these kids don't deserve us to build or supply anything for them...and those who do are already taking advantage of what we have in kc to do...no kid under the age of 18 needs to be out after 10pm any way on the weekends.....so don't come asking me to help support these little killers ok sorry but that's how i feel.....
When i walk into a black club i instantly become defensive I'm ready to react to the first sign of tension....when the club let out i take my shoes off and just in case i gotta run lol.....and for this very reason i don't take my ass to the clubs....so my point is this if the adults are killing each other....what the hell do you think these kids gone do? So forget a fund to save our youth...these kids need to be put in jail the parents need to be giving fines point blank....if a kid is caught with a gun take them to jail and charge them like an adult....and the parent needs to do community service and pay restitution...they should also have to take parenting classes....
Ok lets get to you grown ass people....who do y'all think these kids are learning these behaviors from? it sure ain't from the movies.... there isn't a urban club in KC that i don't gotta worry about becoming a innocent by stander....all because i wanna here some jezzy and shit....i cant mingle with my hood folks unless i wear a bullet proof....because pookie and them go shoot up the place....ill be the first to admit i love urban clubs i don't wanna hear no damn Taylor Swift, Toby Kieth shit when i go out.....I want to hear all Rich shit and all the cuss words too....call me classless or ghetto whatever but i like to party with my people...but i cant do that because we act a plum fool....
am i my brothers keeper?
I know some of yall reading this title like really tiff?......so for some that means imma watch over my brother you would be right.....alot of folks know that these words are spoken in the bible and they would be correct it is.....some got these words tatted on their body and honestly its something to be admired......but lets jump to the point.....who spoke those words? that would be Cain ok so who is he? he was the first murder in the bible....and your probably wondering who he murdered right....well that would be a big ol duh....he killed his only brother Abel....Cain chose to take Abel down, he committed premeditated murder....God ask Cain hey where is your bro Abel? (God already knew but wanted to see what Cain was going to say)....He replied what am i my brothers keeper? like dude im not his baby sitter you go find him.....that's how that saying came about those words are utter from a man who killed his brother out of jealousy....im not saying don't take it and turn it into a positive just don't try and say its in the bible unless you know the history of it.....
My point is alot of people will take bits and pieces from the bible to justify their actions...like its ok to do something simply because its in the bible....ok sir imma need to know the scripture so i can read what came before and after who said it and why.....Just remember for everything you find in the bible to justify your actions...someone can find something to show why your actions are wrong....the Bible purpose in my opinion is not to be used in that way....it is to be used as a tool to educate you and guide you....remember the devil knows the bible like the back of his hand....so dont you think he is using scriptures every day to try and trick you.....so its the same when you foolishly quote a scripture without knowing its history.....and if you are an uneducated christian you should go throwing scriptures at folks unles you know what your talking about....because using the word to condemn some one will make them not want to become Christians....so guess what your doing the devils work for him....be careful of what you speak and claim is in the bible ok....
My point is alot of people will take bits and pieces from the bible to justify their actions...like its ok to do something simply because its in the bible....ok sir imma need to know the scripture so i can read what came before and after who said it and why.....Just remember for everything you find in the bible to justify your actions...someone can find something to show why your actions are wrong....the Bible purpose in my opinion is not to be used in that way....it is to be used as a tool to educate you and guide you....remember the devil knows the bible like the back of his hand....so dont you think he is using scriptures every day to try and trick you.....so its the same when you foolishly quote a scripture without knowing its history.....and if you are an uneducated christian you should go throwing scriptures at folks unles you know what your talking about....because using the word to condemn some one will make them not want to become Christians....so guess what your doing the devils work for him....be careful of what you speak and claim is in the bible ok....
watch out for the crazy ass naturals!!!!
so i did a youtube vid on this topic but took it down after a week lol why? idk girl!....newho so lets just jump right in to the title i know this is why your reading.....so I'm a newbie with this natural thing....however i did tons of research before i decided to go ol natural....and with doing this research i discovered that some of us natural hair ladies are some crazy asses lmao.....really its like some think being natural is a secret society some type of ish....i like to call these type of women "Super Naturals" or "Crazy Ass Naturals"....they try to dictate what you should or shouldn't do to your hair....I'm like hold up swole up lady where is your cosmetology licence? Riiiiiiiiight you dont have one....
Basically they try to talk as if there is some rule book to being natural....some go as far to try an tell you how you should dress....really i didn't sign up for all that....i just wanna embrace my naps without your input please and thank you....for example apparently when you are natural there are some ingredients you are not suppose to use...but I'm like wait a min when my grandmother use to do my hair all she used was grease in water...some naturals believe if you dye your hair then your not natural....basically they think putting any kind of chemical in your hair that alters its natural state is a big no no...and i just don't agree if that's the case then we shouldn't put anything in our hair right...because when i put some grease up in my head....I'm trying to alter my hairs natural dry ass state lol...is this a no no? my hair doesn't naturally wash it self....i got throw some shampoo in my head to alter it naturally dirty state....ok and what about deodarant? i can name alot of things that alter my natural state....but im sure yall get my point
Whats up with this natural vs relaxers crap too...honey these "Super Naturals" act like militants for real (insert my loud laugh here)...no disrespect to any of my Jehovah Witnesses but that's how they act....all ways giving out crap and condemning you for not following their hair bible....I did not know there was such a thing I'm still looking for this rule book/bible for the naturals....i know sooooo many relaxed sistas with hair down they backs...thick and full of volume and bounce...relaxers were created by a black woman with the intent to help us manage our hair...and honestly just like any beauty regimen is you don't take the precautions when applying a relaxer of course your hair will fall out.....news flash that's with anything...now do i think relaxed hair is the healthiest hair....no but that's my opinion......
Basically they try to talk as if there is some rule book to being natural....some go as far to try an tell you how you should dress....really i didn't sign up for all that....i just wanna embrace my naps without your input please and thank you....for example apparently when you are natural there are some ingredients you are not suppose to use...but I'm like wait a min when my grandmother use to do my hair all she used was grease in water...some naturals believe if you dye your hair then your not natural....basically they think putting any kind of chemical in your hair that alters its natural state is a big no no...and i just don't agree if that's the case then we shouldn't put anything in our hair right...because when i put some grease up in my head....I'm trying to alter my hairs natural dry ass state lol...is this a no no? my hair doesn't naturally wash it self....i got throw some shampoo in my head to alter it naturally dirty state....ok and what about deodarant? i can name alot of things that alter my natural state....but im sure yall get my point
Whats up with this natural vs relaxers crap too...honey these "Super Naturals" act like militants for real (insert my loud laugh here)...no disrespect to any of my Jehovah Witnesses but that's how they act....all ways giving out crap and condemning you for not following their hair bible....I did not know there was such a thing I'm still looking for this rule book/bible for the naturals....i know sooooo many relaxed sistas with hair down they backs...thick and full of volume and bounce...relaxers were created by a black woman with the intent to help us manage our hair...and honestly just like any beauty regimen is you don't take the precautions when applying a relaxer of course your hair will fall out.....news flash that's with anything...now do i think relaxed hair is the healthiest hair....no but that's my opinion......
All jokes a side ladies embrace you...don't trip off your hair...relaxed or natural just remember why you decided to go natural...don't do it for anyone else but for you....and beware of the "Super Naturals"...don't let these crazy people tell you anything but where to get some good products for your hair....rather you press, relax, rocking a fro, dreads, a fade, shoot even you lace front ladies...heck even you hard hair style wearing ladies....oh the heck with it even you ten colors and five hair styles on one head ladies lmao....embrace who you are and excuse my french but f#@k the rest do you boo!....as long as you are combing your hair then that's all that matters...
ready to have my own family!
so im sitting here like arggghhhh!!!!! lmao really tho i have so many things going around my head...mostly concerning my relationship o_O....lol as most of you may know we just made it to our 2yr mark....ill be honest i didn't think we would make it or even be together.....buuuut here we are so with that being said....im having that baby itch.....and im shocked like wtf do i want a baby i haven't even finished school....and i always said i wouldn't be a mommy until i finished school...not that you cant get your masters and have kids i just don't want to do that...i mean i wanna work smarter not harder...anyways like i was saying im having this feeling like imma be a mommy....like i know imma have me a baby...the funny thing is if i have a kid it wont be with my current...soooo now im having these thoughts like well whats the point of spending anymore time trying to make this relationship work when we will never have kids together?
Allot of you are probably like why cant you have kids with him? lol well its along story.....anyways so im here 2yrs into a relationship and finally im like NO! i cant accept the fact that we will never conceive a child together....but its not that easy to just break up not when everything else is ok....i think to myself all the time like why did we meet....honestly i feel i could of went the rest of my life without ever meeting him....its like winning the lottery but being told you can never spend the money! now i can think of a million other reason why this relationship wont work....but the only one that cant be fixed is the baby issue....
So back to the why? i wonder every day what was the point of this relationship...sometimes it crosses my mind well maybe i cant have kids....or maybe im not meant to be a mother like my moms tells me....or maybe God put this man in my life to serve as a branch in my tree of life...getting me ready for the one im "meant" to marry....so many thoughts run thru my head....but right now im taking everything day by day...im still young and if im meant to be a mother one day it will happen....its just like ok God im not questioning you....really im not but coooome on can you give me a little clue on what to do....yah girl be lost sometimes lol....im just ready to start building the foundation for my own family....and if this current relationship is not the foundation DEUCES!!!!
Allot of you are probably like why cant you have kids with him? lol well its along story.....anyways so im here 2yrs into a relationship and finally im like NO! i cant accept the fact that we will never conceive a child together....but its not that easy to just break up not when everything else is ok....i think to myself all the time like why did we meet....honestly i feel i could of went the rest of my life without ever meeting him....its like winning the lottery but being told you can never spend the money! now i can think of a million other reason why this relationship wont work....but the only one that cant be fixed is the baby issue....
So back to the why? i wonder every day what was the point of this relationship...sometimes it crosses my mind well maybe i cant have kids....or maybe im not meant to be a mother like my moms tells me....or maybe God put this man in my life to serve as a branch in my tree of life...getting me ready for the one im "meant" to marry....so many thoughts run thru my head....but right now im taking everything day by day...im still young and if im meant to be a mother one day it will happen....its just like ok God im not questioning you....really im not but coooome on can you give me a little clue on what to do....yah girl be lost sometimes lol....im just ready to start building the foundation for my own family....and if this current relationship is not the foundation DEUCES!!!!
natural hair lingo for my newbies!!!!
ok so your thinking about going natural (insert applauds) go girl....but you been watching youtube vids reading blogs.....and you feel like all the naturals are speaking another language.....well dont worry i got you.....going natural is already a journey itself...i know learning a new language wasnt in the plans right?...to be honest idk why we have our own lingo....but i must admit i use the terms too....well i have a very short list of terms just for my newbies (like me).....now its so many terms but imma keep it simple for now and give you guys the basics ok!
Big Chop (BC) - To cut all relaxed/chemically treated or heat damaged hair down to the new growth in order to start their natural hair journey.
Co-wash – To wash your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo, conditioner wash.
DC - Deep condition or to give your hair a deep conditioning treatment
or mask.
Detangle – getting all of the kinks and tangles out of your hair. It’s best to detangle your hair while it is wet and full of a detangling conditioner.
Dusting – The trimming of 1/4″ of less of the ends of your hair.
Lengths – The objective of many naturals is to achieve length. And when you go natural and learn how to properly nurture your hair you will see tremendous growth. Many set natural hair length challenges that they aspire to. So you will see many make reference to the following:
APL Arm pit length
BSL Bra-strap length
CL Chin length
MBL Mid back length (my goal)
SL shoulder length
Scrunching – a technique to help with boosting your hair’s natural curl or wave pattern. You can use the scrunching technique on wet or dry hair. Scrunching is taking sections of your hair and crumple them into your hand and work up towards your scalp. Start with underneath sections then work your way up. For longer hair you may need to flip your head over or to the side to get all sections scrunched. If you scrunch wet hair dry it by sitting under a dryer, diffuse with a blow dryer or let air dry. I like to let mine air dry. Once dry, do not touch your hair unless you are scrunching in moisturizer, oil or glosser otherwise touching your hair at this point may make it frizzy or poof out.
Shingling - a technique of applying a curl promoting styler to sections of your hair as you stretch and elongate to boost your hair’s natural curl pattern. When your hair is soaking wet and detangled, either after shampooing and conditioning or co-washing, section hair into small sections, apply product (i just use my cream of nature leave in) from roots to the ends of your hair while stretching your hair. I use my Denman (really its a bootleg donna) brush after applying the product to stretch. Do this throughout your entire head of hair. When done with shingling, scrunch your hair all over to add a product like an anti-frizz serum or oil and to help define and set the curls. Then dry your hair by sitting under a dryer, diffuse with a blow dryer or let it air dry. I like to let mine air dry. Once dry, do not touch your hair unless you are scrunching in moisturizer, oil or glosser otherwise touching your hair at this point may make it frizzy or poof out.
Shrinkage – when your hair draws back or shrinks causing the length to look shorter than what it actually is. For example a lot of shrinkage happens when natural hair is styled in a wash & go. When that style completely dries your curls become tight and shrinks.
Stretching – a technique used to extend your shrunken curls, showing length.
Twist & Curl (TNC) – a curly hair style where you double strand twist your hair and roll the ends.
Transitioning - In stead of chopping off all of your chemically treated hair, you let your hair grow without getting more relaxers with the intent of going natural. When I transitioned I wore protective styles. i didnt realize i was transitioning
Twist Out - To double strand twist your hair let dry, either let air dry or sit under a dryer, gently take the twists apart and style.
Wash & Go (W&G or WNG) - To wash or co-wash your hair, add a styler cream or gel by shingling in, shake and Go. Let your hair air dry and go or dry using a diffuser
ok so now you have some terms and tips good luck on your journey and don't forget to check back for move tips and terms....i hope this video gives you encouragement to just do it...i found this video inspirational
Big Chop (BC) - To cut all relaxed/chemically treated or heat damaged hair down to the new growth in order to start their natural hair journey.
Co-wash – To wash your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo, conditioner wash.
DC - Deep condition or to give your hair a deep conditioning treatment
or mask.
Detangle – getting all of the kinks and tangles out of your hair. It’s best to detangle your hair while it is wet and full of a detangling conditioner.
Dusting – The trimming of 1/4″ of less of the ends of your hair.
Heat Damage – excessive heat styling of your hair. Heat crack’s the hair’s cuticle and withdraws moisture which leaves hair dry and brittle. If you use heat stylers way that you can tell if your hair has heat damage is when it’s wet. If there are sections that are straight do not form your natural curl pattern it may be damaged from heat.
Lengths – The objective of many naturals is to achieve length. And when you go natural and learn how to properly nurture your hair you will see tremendous growth. Many set natural hair length challenges that they aspire to. So you will see many make reference to the following:
APL Arm pit length
BSL Bra-strap length
CL Chin length
MBL Mid back length (my goal)
SL shoulder length
Scrunching – a technique to help with boosting your hair’s natural curl or wave pattern. You can use the scrunching technique on wet or dry hair. Scrunching is taking sections of your hair and crumple them into your hand and work up towards your scalp. Start with underneath sections then work your way up. For longer hair you may need to flip your head over or to the side to get all sections scrunched. If you scrunch wet hair dry it by sitting under a dryer, diffuse with a blow dryer or let air dry. I like to let mine air dry. Once dry, do not touch your hair unless you are scrunching in moisturizer, oil or glosser otherwise touching your hair at this point may make it frizzy or poof out.
Shingling - a technique of applying a curl promoting styler to sections of your hair as you stretch and elongate to boost your hair’s natural curl pattern. When your hair is soaking wet and detangled, either after shampooing and conditioning or co-washing, section hair into small sections, apply product (i just use my cream of nature leave in) from roots to the ends of your hair while stretching your hair. I use my Denman (really its a bootleg donna) brush after applying the product to stretch. Do this throughout your entire head of hair. When done with shingling, scrunch your hair all over to add a product like an anti-frizz serum or oil and to help define and set the curls. Then dry your hair by sitting under a dryer, diffuse with a blow dryer or let it air dry. I like to let mine air dry. Once dry, do not touch your hair unless you are scrunching in moisturizer, oil or glosser otherwise touching your hair at this point may make it frizzy or poof out.
Shrinkage – when your hair draws back or shrinks causing the length to look shorter than what it actually is. For example a lot of shrinkage happens when natural hair is styled in a wash & go. When that style completely dries your curls become tight and shrinks.
Stretching – a technique used to extend your shrunken curls, showing length.
Twist & Curl (TNC) – a curly hair style where you double strand twist your hair and roll the ends.
Transitioning - In stead of chopping off all of your chemically treated hair, you let your hair grow without getting more relaxers with the intent of going natural. When I transitioned I wore protective styles. i didnt realize i was transitioning
Twist Out - To double strand twist your hair let dry, either let air dry or sit under a dryer, gently take the twists apart and style.
Wash & Go (W&G or WNG) - To wash or co-wash your hair, add a styler cream or gel by shingling in, shake and Go. Let your hair air dry and go or dry using a diffuser
ok so now you have some terms and tips good luck on your journey and don't forget to check back for move tips and terms....i hope this video gives you encouragement to just do it...i found this video inspirational
lets talk naps..
hey hey hey....whats happening ok so im suppose to make a blog every weds...but honey i dont think imma be able to do it...just being honest yah girl be real sleepy after work :(.....any ways lets get to the meat and potatoes of this blog....
so alot of you guys have hit me up expressing your interest in wanting to go natural...so im here to give a little advice and encouragement....being natural is definitely a journey and takes time and patience...ok so when you decide to do the "BC" (big chop)....understand it will take your hair sometime to do what you want it to do....if your going natural just because you think your hair will be curly...dont be disappointed if your curls dont pop the first month.....if your wanting to go natural but you dont wanna do the "TWA" you can always "TRANSITION" like i did....
ok so i have a video imma upload to youtube showing the products i use right now....ill also post a naturals basics list to help out....what i will say is my hair i growing very fast...it will be almost 3 months Aug 16th and i show my progress below....if i can help with anything feel free to just ask me....
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1st month right after bc |
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2nd month |
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3rd month |
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