
Dear Fucking Parents!

These kids of ours are bad ass hell point blank.......these little ragga muffins are running around with guns shooting up the plaza....so y'all know the white folk are like hell to the no....not because some black kids got hurt but because it isn't a good look for the plaza...they will start losing money blah blah blah....ok I'm on twitter and it was asked what do we suggest we do for these kids to keep them busy....maybe a little spot like we had when i was younger hot summer night stuff like that.....I'm about to be real blunt and sorry if i come of ignorant I'm far from that but....these bad ass hoodlums don't deserve a damn thing if you ask me....i wouldn't pay a dime to help fund shit for these Bae Bae's.....they need to have a seat right now....ok these kids don't deserve us to build or supply anything for them...and those who do are already taking advantage of what we have in kc to do...no kid under the age of 18 needs to be out after 10pm any way on the weekends.....so don't come asking me to help support these little killers ok sorry but that's how i feel.....

Ok lets get to you grown ass people....who do y'all think these kids are learning these behaviors from? it sure ain't from the movies.... there isn't a urban club in KC that i don't gotta worry about becoming a innocent by stander....all because i wanna here some jezzy and shit....i cant mingle with my hood folks unless i wear a bullet proof....because pookie and them go shoot up the place....ill be the first to admit i love urban clubs i don't wanna hear no damn Taylor Swift, Toby Kieth shit when i go out.....I want to hear all Rich shit and all the cuss words too....call me classless or ghetto whatever but i like to party with my people...but i cant do that because we act a plum fool....

When i walk into a black club i instantly become defensive I'm ready to react to the first sign of tension....when the club let out i take my shoes off and just in case i gotta run lol.....and for this very reason i don't take my ass to the clubs....so my point is this if the adults are killing each other....what the hell do you think these kids gone do? So forget a fund to save our youth...these kids need to be put in jail the parents need to be giving fines point blank....if a kid is caught with a gun take them to jail and charge them like an adult....and the parent needs to do community service and pay restitution...they should also have to take parenting classes....


Unknown said...

You tell em Tiff!!!

Unknown said...

Amen and Amen!!!

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah tiff it don't make no sense whats been happening on the plaza and you can't just blame the kids

Unknown said...

Exactly its the grown folks too