
a little testimony 1

i just had this urge to blog for those out there wanting to give up. i want to encourage you to stay strong and dont give up tuff times dont last always. i know, it sounds good right? well i just wanna share a little insight on my life. i didnt have college grads for parents like most of us my parents were young parents and high school drop outs. i grew up in what some people call a poor home but i couldn't tell looking back now yea we was poor. so statistics say i should of been either on drugs,teenage mom, jail, uneducated or dead right?

well i cant say i did anything special i can say god has truly had his hand in my life i mean he really looks out for me. i moved out of my parents at 18 didnt know anything about credit or life so yea i have made some bad choices but god has seen me thru some mess yall. i have always been a person to believe you gotta start from the ground up so i have always set little goals to achieve. i swear yall i pray for every single thing thats how i get it. i promise if i want something i pray i do the leg work and god gets it done. for example i worked at walmart wasnt making enough to support myself so i asked good to find me a better paying job. i was on my hands and knees to god every day asking please lord i need a better job. i kept working and guess what i got a job at Bank Of America. now the catch was this job was in Kansas at the time i didnt have a car but guess what a bus went right in front of it. i said god since you gave me this job imma ride the bus until you send me a car. i rode the bus to in from work rain, sleet or snow for exactly a year straight and guess what a week from the day i started i got my first car. Now someone tried to steal my car they wasnt able to i wrecked my car no car insurance and it was a hit and run guess what god replaced that car a 2002 with a 2005.

i honestly believe its soley because what god has for me is for me and cant no one take it once i claim it. so im saying to all you that want to give up please don't. keep praying and what god has for you will come. i prayed for a job god said ok tiff i got a job for you but you gotta work for it. that bus ride was 2hrs long so i spent a total of four hours on a city bus every day commuting back and fourth to work. i got a car a week form the day i started that job. then about five months later someone tried to take it but they couldn't cause god gave me that car. someone ran a stop sign and wrecked it guess what god replaced it the next day even tho i had no INSURANCE. i could go on and on how god comes thru but im sure you get my point. he does answer but you gotta be willing to put in the leg work he isnt just going to give it you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is truly able. Gratitude is connected to Blessings! Using these 4 P's, you'll never go wrong..