
Fave YouTubers

hey yall i wanted to share some of my fave youtubers with yall....these are people i watched before going natural and now.....they give very good advice....hopefully you guys find them as informative and entertaining as i do......some are not naturals but they still give real good advice on how to take care of your hair.....just because they may not be natural doesnt mean you cant get good tips...as you can see ulovemegs and Da1nonlymixedqt are relaxed but i still watch them both......also check out my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/yahgirltiffy

Here is the list in no particular order:

1.AfricanExport:  http://www.youtube.com/user/AFRICANEXPORT
2.AKA Kristin: http://www.youtube.com/user/AKAKristin
3.BoarderHammer: http://www.youtube.com/user/borderhammer
4.ulovemegz: http://www.youtube.com/user/ulovemegz?feature=chclk
5.taren916: http://www.youtube.com/user/taren916?blend=1&ob=4
6.Toyaboo: http://www.youtube.com/user/ToyabooView
7.BacksyncFan: http://www.youtube.com/user/backsyncfan
8.Vivalacious: http://www.youtube.com/user/Vivalacious
9.sunshinelovespeace: http://www.youtube.com/user/sunshinelovespeace
10.besttresses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbGlvFjCm_o
11.whoissugar: http://www.youtube.com/user/whoissugar?feature=chclk
12.Da1nonlymixedqt: http://www.youtube.com/user/da1nonlymixedqt?blend=1&ob=4
13.PrettyBrown7: http://www.youtube.com/user/prettybrown7
14.PhillyDiva19154: http://www.youtube.com/user/PhillyDiva19154
15.Therealkimcoles: http://www.youtube.com/user/therealkimcoles
16.ahsiek1118: http://www.youtube.com/user/ahsiek1118
17.shesingslovely: http://www.youtube.com/user/SheSingsLovely
18.NapsDujour: http://www.youtube.com/user/NapsDujour?feature=chclk
19.alexandrabond: http://www.youtube.com/user/AlexandraBond
20.MsVaughnTV: http://www.youtube.com/user/MsVaughnTV


I'm #teamdoyouboo

so i am a YouTube junky lol i soooo need an intervention because i can watch YouTube vids for hours.....newho what sparked this blog post doesn't have anything to do with YouTube as a whole but more of a comment i seen on YouTube......where this lady wrote a novel on this other ladies video basically telling her she is a hood rat and uneducated.....i wanted to comment back but its not my place....I'm thinking to myself she must be doing something right because you took time out your day to write her.....i cant stand when another woman tries to be little another woman because she doesn't approach life the way you do...i been called ghetto so many times in my life...just as recently as last week another woman call me ghetto.....that word offends the hell out of me..well let me rephrase that when someone uses that word in a derogatory manner it offends me.....like hol up swole up lady get that stick out your a** and watch what you say....but i ignored the comment as if i didn't hear it and still had a good time.....I'm a very good people reader and as sure as my middle name is Marie I'm certain she is insecure.....I'm very loud and out spoken very friendly and all around happy person....My confidence in who i am is worn proudly on my chest....I'm from the "hood" and guess what I'm proud of it....i will always be true to myself....so if that's ghetto so be it but just remember its not often i give out passes to a rude ASS BITCH! how you durin (in my Wendy voice)....

yea its some ratchets out here and we all know um all so well...but i find it just as ratchet to speak down on someone based off of what you see....not knowing that person at all....when will women get the message that we are all different....from all different walks of life and up bringing....we wont all share the same values and or culture....we all have different aspirations and ambitions in life....we all have are own struggles yeah some self inflicting but often because of life.....before you start calling someone nasty or a h** because she has a reputation....instead of bullying her because that's exactly what it is bullying...try to uplift her and show her you respect her purely based off the fact that she is Gods child.....here is a little advice, worry about your so character, not your reputation because your character is who you are and your reputation is what people think you are.....focus on doing you boo and you wont have time to even notice someone else flaws.


what does your man think?

 I'm asked all the time....what does your man think about your hair?....since being natural I can honestly say he is happy as long as I'm happy......I didn't ask his opinion before I decided to go natural either....I told him of my plans and when I would do it....his response was simply "ok"....honestly I don't think he even knew what going natural meant lol....That's just the way he is.... real laid back and doesn't take things so serious ....my hair is never a topic unless I ask him if my new hair style is cute......it feels good also because he always makes me feel so pretty...I couldn't imagine him not liking something physically about me but hey I guess he reserves that right....to sum it all up my man is ok with my hair being NAPPY!

NeWho....when it comes to other men chiiiiiiild please (insert snaps here)....I haven't skipped a beat with my pretty brown frame lol.....no but seriously I have noticed men approach me differently now.....Honestly they come at me like they got some since....I don't get that "Aye Bay Bay" its more excuse me miss lady....I guess they kinda stereotype me because of my hair.....and assume I'm some tree hugging, poem writer and Jill Scott is my hero chick or something idk.....men always tell me how much they love my hair especially when I'm rocking my twist....so as far as do I get hit on less since I've went natural the answer is of course not....men still love my cute ass lol

*this pic was one day after my "BC"

Close to you.....

 this song right here.....this song right here tho......Ron comes in so smooth followed by the never disappointing Ms. Hill....this song to me is what you call good music...it doesn't need much of a intro...press play sit back and close your eyes and think about your boo while the song plays....

Ron Isley ft Lauryn Hill
"close to you"

"On the day that you were born
And the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust
In your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue."


Thank You.....

This song is so freaking DOPE
and i thought you guys deserved to hear some good music so enjoy
SideNote: doesnt this song have a Sade feel to it?
is it me or is Estelle the only UK singer where you can hear her accent when she sings?

Estelle: Thank You

"One thing I learned in life
We all gotta go through to survive
I hope she's happy
'Cause you're the chapter that I'll be closing
Hope you're happy
'Cause once my door closes it won't be open"

Savvy Natural You first Meet and Greet

Here are some pics from the 1st Savvy Natural You Meet and Greet.....

Savvy Natural


Fool for U....

i looooove this song and i will be going to get his album yes i still buy cd's lol
"fool for you"
Cee-Lo Green ft. Melanie Fiona

"Bbay I can’t seem to get enough
What you do, what you say
Makes me want to love you
Baby, I don’t even have a choice
And if I did it still be you
Cuz you’re the man, among these other boys"


Beyonce with her stealing ass

Beyonce Knowles AKA King B.....steals everything even this newly found nickname she is going by "King B" she stole this from some video editor named Vashite who calls her self  King...Vashite tweeted "It's so entertaining that broads are referring to themselves as King" ...and honestly if we want to get technical Queen Elizabeth I was often called King Elizabeth because she held the throne never being married....so I will let them figure that one out.......moving right along

Beyonce is accused of stealing songs such as..."if i were a boy" she stole the whole damn song and did not even give credit.....then lets talk about single ladies vid...she stole the routine from Mexican Breakfast.....and please do not forget her infamous performance on Billboard Music Awards of "RTW" she ripped off that entire opening choreography......but what brings me to write this is her latest stunt she completely stole choreographers Anne Keermaeker entire routine in her newest video "countdown".......now I love B and I surely think she is the best of her time right now...but if she wants to be an innovator she needs to stop with the plagiarism.....you cannot be an innovator and all yo shit is jacked.....point fucking blank....she needs to hire a new team if she keeps finding her self in this situation.....last time I check innovators don't swagger jack....all you B stans explain this one? aw yea ok.....

what pisses me off is she steals the shit from people over seas.....and honestly i think it's because she thinks no one will ever notice...and she would of jacked the African dance moves in RTW but they could not figure out the dance and had to find them.....smh at her! Somebody is going to end up suing her ass.....
now watch Anne Video

thats real janky B real fucking janky


You on that Whitney?.....*Kanye Shrug*

so im on lunch with my coworkers...and i dont know how the convo started but we began to talk about addictions....and how i felt that any form of addiction is ok as long as you can justify your addiction and support your habit....so im speaking in terms of substance abusers, sex addicts etc......alot of people give me the o_O (side eye)...alot of folks would say omg how could anyone in their right mind justify being addicted to drugs.....and how could i be ok with it.

well for me i dont ever like to act as if my life is better because im not doing what the next person does. for me im like how can one look and see what crack does to a person and in the year 2011 pick up a crack pipe, needle, snort whatever you do with the drug and think hey I'll just do it this one time.....this crack shit aint new its not the 80's anymore we know what the shit is and what it can do.....so personally i believe if you are a person in the year 2011 smoking crack your doing it cause you want to...and hey who am i to judge you. as long as you can support your habit......

now before you guys get bent all out of shape NO i dont think its ok.....im not a supporter of the drug and any one on it i think needs help....i bet your like tiff but your contradicting yourself now......well i may be lol...but to sum it all up here is my point....everyone is affected by things in different ways.....there are some substance abuser out here that work, have college degrees, are raising their kids and you would never know they have an addiction....and then their are some folks that are purely strung out and need intervention.....in my eyes an addict is an addict.....and me personally i dont feel sorry for any one strung out on any substance....and anyone with relatives that are addicts know its hard and you can spend your whole life trying to get them to kick the habit......and for the ones that are clean and been clean im sure they had a support group and was able to become clean....but at the end of the day they had to do it on there own...im sorry but if you on that shit your selfish and im not about to feel sorry for you! Or spend anytime trying to convince you that the addiction is bad....like i said the drug isnt new we all know the affect of it...so why should i feel sorry for you? do what you do!