
I'm #teamdoyouboo

so i am a YouTube junky lol i soooo need an intervention because i can watch YouTube vids for hours.....newho what sparked this blog post doesn't have anything to do with YouTube as a whole but more of a comment i seen on YouTube......where this lady wrote a novel on this other ladies video basically telling her she is a hood rat and uneducated.....i wanted to comment back but its not my place....I'm thinking to myself she must be doing something right because you took time out your day to write her.....i cant stand when another woman tries to be little another woman because she doesn't approach life the way you do...i been called ghetto so many times in my life...just as recently as last week another woman call me ghetto.....that word offends the hell out of me..well let me rephrase that when someone uses that word in a derogatory manner it offends me.....like hol up swole up lady get that stick out your a** and watch what you say....but i ignored the comment as if i didn't hear it and still had a good time.....I'm a very good people reader and as sure as my middle name is Marie I'm certain she is insecure.....I'm very loud and out spoken very friendly and all around happy person....My confidence in who i am is worn proudly on my chest....I'm from the "hood" and guess what I'm proud of it....i will always be true to myself....so if that's ghetto so be it but just remember its not often i give out passes to a rude ASS BITCH! how you durin (in my Wendy voice)....

yea its some ratchets out here and we all know um all so well...but i find it just as ratchet to speak down on someone based off of what you see....not knowing that person at all....when will women get the message that we are all different....from all different walks of life and up bringing....we wont all share the same values and or culture....we all have different aspirations and ambitions in life....we all have are own struggles yeah some self inflicting but often because of life.....before you start calling someone nasty or a h** because she has a reputation....instead of bullying her because that's exactly what it is bullying...try to uplift her and show her you respect her purely based off the fact that she is Gods child.....here is a little advice, worry about your so character, not your reputation because your character is who you are and your reputation is what people think you are.....focus on doing you boo and you wont have time to even notice someone else flaws.

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