
You on that Whitney?.....*Kanye Shrug*

so im on lunch with my coworkers...and i dont know how the convo started but we began to talk about addictions....and how i felt that any form of addiction is ok as long as you can justify your addiction and support your habit....so im speaking in terms of substance abusers, sex addicts etc......alot of people give me the o_O (side eye)...alot of folks would say omg how could anyone in their right mind justify being addicted to drugs.....and how could i be ok with it.

well for me i dont ever like to act as if my life is better because im not doing what the next person does. for me im like how can one look and see what crack does to a person and in the year 2011 pick up a crack pipe, needle, snort whatever you do with the drug and think hey I'll just do it this one time.....this crack shit aint new its not the 80's anymore we know what the shit is and what it can do.....so personally i believe if you are a person in the year 2011 smoking crack your doing it cause you want to...and hey who am i to judge you. as long as you can support your habit......

now before you guys get bent all out of shape NO i dont think its ok.....im not a supporter of the drug and any one on it i think needs help....i bet your like tiff but your contradicting yourself now......well i may be lol...but to sum it all up here is my point....everyone is affected by things in different ways.....there are some substance abuser out here that work, have college degrees, are raising their kids and you would never know they have an addiction....and then their are some folks that are purely strung out and need intervention.....in my eyes an addict is an addict.....and me personally i dont feel sorry for any one strung out on any substance....and anyone with relatives that are addicts know its hard and you can spend your whole life trying to get them to kick the habit......and for the ones that are clean and been clean im sure they had a support group and was able to become clean....but at the end of the day they had to do it on there own...im sorry but if you on that shit your selfish and im not about to feel sorry for you! Or spend anytime trying to convince you that the addiction is bad....like i said the drug isnt new we all know the affect of it...so why should i feel sorry for you? do what you do!

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