
Happy 1yr Nappiversary to Me 5/16/2012

     Hey ya'll yah girl did it I'm exactly one year natural today yay me. I big chopped last year May 16, 2011 in my bathroom with a pair of kitchen scissors, after becoming impatient with my hair. So I just stood in the mirror and cut all my relaxed ends off. After I was done I was left with about 1 to 2 inches of hair. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous and having second thoughts like daaaaammmmmn I done messed up. I wasn't exactly the most confident about my new found look due to not having the right products or knowing my hair. It always seemed to look extra try and brittle. I would constantly ask my friends,family and coworkers if my hair looked ok. The negative comments I received didn't help either I mean some of the stuff folks would say. Any way flash forward to one year later and I am so in love with my hair. I feel like my hair is always the best in the room and you cant tell me my fro aint banging.

  • My hair loves good ole fashion hair grease
  • what works for others may not work for me
  • It just hair it will grow back if not buy a wig
  • Don't let people push what being "natural" means on me
  • My hair doesn't make me I make my Hair
  • Cowashing is my Friend
  • wash and goes are the devil
  • Don't worry about length it will come
  • Have fun!!!!!

1st pic was taken 4 days post I BC
2nd pic was 2 months post BC 7/05/11
3rd pic was 6 months post BC 11/05/2011
4th Pic was taken 11 months post BC