
Have You Heard Of The Curly Girl Method...

     I have been hearing a lot of talk about the Curly Girl Method on blogs, forums,YouTube etc.... Like many of you I had no Idea what this was so I had to do a little research. I stumble on a very informative article on WikiHow that helped me understand exactly what this method was. Here is a snippet from the article below:

     ......The curly girl method (also referred to as "no-poo") is based on the book "Curly Girl" by Lorraine Massey. The nickname "no-poo" alludes to not using a sulfate shampoo, because sulfates' tend to strip the hair of its natural oils. Once you take away the sulfates, your hair can retain its natural moisture.

I won't be trying this method but I think It would be great for those of use with hard to manage curls. For those of you wanting to try the method you can purchase the book from Walmart.com right now for $8.00. Click Here To Buy the Book Click Here: How To Follow The CG Method If you decide to try this method i would love for you to share your results with me. 

As to why I'm not doing the curly girl method....The Regimen requires that you use a non sulfate shampoo and little to no oils/grease or silicone conditioners. These are a staple in my hair care regimen and it works for me. I am a firm believer if its not broke don't fix it. However I must say I read a lot of reviews on this method and pretty much every one that uses it are happy with the results. I'm not saying I will never try the method I just don't feel its something I need right now.


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