
New Year New Me.....Happy New Year!

So its that time of year again.....new me, new year tweets and fb stats popping up.....with those same stats you get the your not changing or your supposed to change all year long stats.....I sit back and laugh why is it a issue when someone says, hey I got some shit I need to change about myself? Really I'm wondering why all the negativity around people and their New Year resolution.....I get it shouldn't take a New Year to change....However it's another year to make a change?  Isn't life all about chances, change and not given up? For some of us simple things like losing weight and keeping it off is equivalent to someone wanting to stop doing drugs....no matter what your struggling with I salute you for wanting to change....not only change but you took the initiative.....

I stand by anyone who wants to improve their quality of life by over coming things that  prevented them from success for a whole year.....I say the beginning of a new year is perfect time to start a new journey.....Why? because you have 12 months of self reflection to look back on.....for those of us determined to improve our life the prior year is a damn good cheat sheet for the new year.......yes some of us will slip back into our hold habits very fast.....but hey at least they tried right? I guess for me finding a way to hate on someone is a hard pill for me to swallow....instead of being bitter about someone else's new years resolution how about you focus on what your new year will bring......

with that being said Happy New Year 2011 went by so past I lost my grandmother, was in a very bad car wreck had some financial issues.....but my blessing rolled in too....I have grown up allot and I'm loving the new Tiffy looking forward to the new me of 2012 xoxo.....stay tuned

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