
why does your vagina smell?

Recently I was on twitter and spotted a tweet from a man giving advice to women to douche.....I laughed and corrected him letting him know douching is harmful and so did a few other ladies.....so it brings me to this blog post feminine hygiene/health.....most women struggle in this area month after month trying to get rid of a odor,itch,discharge etc.....Let me get this out the way I am not a Gynecologist or Doctor....this info and advice I'm sharing in this post is purely advice.....Always remember the best advice will always be from a licensed professional so see your Doctor...

Some simple things have worked for me....now every woman has had a off day or two.....but you should be able to catch those days before the public does....so here are some tips....keeping little to no hair in that area helps to keep bacteria away.....when you have hair its easy for harmful bacteria to get caught in your hair causing problems for your Vajayjay......Staying away from allot of sugars also helps, eating allot a sugar can cause yeast infections and you don't want that so drink lots of water.....wash around your lady part with a mild antibacterial soap....I recommend not douching because your vagina is a self cleaning organ it will take care of its self......always wipe front to back and wear lose fitting undies...pee before and after sex and always wash your treasure box after sex....eating yogurt helps because it has live cultures that are good for the vagina and wear pantie liners.

Is it possible for your vagina not to have a scent? No, your vagina will always have a scent however it should never have a fishy or foul smell these odors are more than likely caused by an infection and should be checked out by a doctor....So what should my vagina smell like?  Each vagina has its own smell. It is a special mix of by-products of the bacteria that live in your vagina (yes, bacteria live in your vagina, and they belong there), your diet, your fashion choices, your hygiene, and finally, how your body functions. Furthermore, the smell may increase or decrease in intensity at different points of your cycle, and it may even change a little throughout....

All that being said, there are several times when it is important to see a doctor about your vaginal smells fishy odors,yeasty odors are a rule, any discharge that’s out of the ordinary is worthy of a trip to the doctor....at the end of the day your body has its own scent including your vagina.....

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