
Wannabes vs Jiggaboos

Whats up with everybody going natural? I know this is a question allot of people are wondering. It does seems as though everyone has taken a ride on the bandwagon. I didn't know that there was even a natural community until I decided to go natural. I decided to go natural over three years ago after allot of research and going back and forth with myself. I decided to go forward with the idea and my last relaxer was Oct, 2011. My "BC" was May 16, 2011.

Since being natural I have noticed this civil war between naturals and relaxers....shoot I have even seen naturals hate on other naturals for not having a certain curl pattern. Or for not using all natural products in their hair. I can think of many things some naturals try to shove down peoples throats lol....This whole natural vs relax is a modern "dark skin vs light skin"....It reminds me of the Spike Lee 1988 film School Daze lol watch the seven minute musical sequence of the light skin relax hair "Wannabes" vs the dark skin natural hair "Jiggaboos".....LOL the big girl was getting huh? really this just proves this mess has been going on since forever....This was back when being "natural" was not a movement and it damn sure wasn't a fad

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