OK so i decided to go natural as i stated in my second blog....now the reason i decided to go natural was just cause i wanted to lol....really i don't have this fancy story of finding myself...my shift changed at work and i was not able to go get my routine relaxer....so i had to start weaving weaves sewed in and glued....so i was just like well let me do the natural thing for a while so here i am...its been 7 months since my last relaxer and i have been doing protective styles cause i still have relaxed ends and i don't got timed to deal with two hair types,,,,now yes I'm doing the BC but i wanted to wait til my 25th bday....so yea may 20 is the big day.
now moving right along to the word nappy...that word never bothered me as much as it does now...cause you know with going natural everybody in yo life become critics and hair experts....me i know the word should not hold that much power over me...but i must admit when someones calls my hair nappy i get into full bit@h what u say mode. simply because its a used in a derogatory way...,,like the other "n" word its like being called out your name. yea yea yea i know if another natural hair person says it i wouldn't be offended cause they would be using it as a term of endearment. lol ain't that double standards lol..but hey it is what is so yes i do not want anyone one referring to my hair as nappy. and that's it respect me like the woman i carry myself because i take an extra effort to maked sure i choose my words...i expect for other adults to do the same nappy and my name should not role of you tongue ever ok.
I concur,
my hair is not nappy sir, it is curly.
Exactly people now days don't have manners just rude
I keep saying I'm going natural too Tiff. We shall see
yea im getting cold feet but the end result will be worth it.
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