
NO Dogs, Negros or Mexicans......

I know who I am, by scientific fact I am Human and by my faith that means I am Gods child.....I accept that I am a African American woman and I am proud of it....Although I wish everyone thought like me and evolved and found love without seeing color I know its not ever gonna be that way....but what I will not allow anyone to do is put me in a box with a bunch of people who have that crab in a bucket mentality...because no matter how much I wish race didn't  play a factor in how I'm viewed by the world....I know it does and I wish my fellow African American people educated themselves to know what Jim Crow actually was and how it was successful in creating division amongst black people even in our current times year 2012.....I am not going to rant and get all black power just educate yourself.......

I am a people lover my boyfriend of two and a half years is a white man......I us to be that person who said I would never date out side my race....(cant use my comb cant bring em home) lol.....I'm glad I looked past color and saw the person....all this Light vs Dark skin mess is nothing but modern day Jim Crow only thing is Black folks are the oppressors....Now real quick history lesson then I'm out....

"Jim Crow" was a character created by a man named Thomas "Daddy" Rice he was a white actor in the 1800's he was the first person to black his face out to exaggerate African American skin tone.....the character Jim Crow was big back then and he toured all over.....the act basically poked fun of how blacks were treated in the south and made us seem real uneducated  because he used our vernacular....he also had other characters called Sambos, Coons and Dandies....Jim Crow spread as a racial slur towards blacks in the 19th century.....after the 19th century it turned into laws and customs that were used to oppress blacks....Jim Crow was later abolished by the Supreme Court beginning with cases like Guinn v. United States and Brown vs Board of Education these cases helped to chip away at segregation laws...

Now here we are in the 21st century two decades later debating on social networks sites in front of other races (just giving them a reason to justify racism) Dark vs Light skin, Good vs Kinky hair, Natural vs Relaxed.....smh we gots to do better I still love y'all tho....check out the old Jim Crow laws here "Jim Crow Laws"


Queen of Imagery said...

Girl, I love your fresh perspective. It is really unfortunate that Jim Crow is so engrained in our culture that in 2012 we still impose racist antics on ourselves

Unknown said...

Right girl and folks have the nerve to catch a attitude when you try to educate them.....