
CurlBox drama aint nobody got time for that!!!!

     Since moving to Tampa I have really struggled to find my staple hair products stocked, on the shelves of stores I am used to finding them at.  I am the type of "natural" that once I find a product that works I stick to it. So when my local Walmart, Walgreens, Target and CVS doesn't have a ethnic hair section or if they do its never stocked, small as hell and the BSS (beauty supply store) are over priced.  I have been forced to start trying other products in the mean time until I move back home.  With that being said I have been forced to shop online for hair products that work with my 4C texture hair. That's when I heard about the Curlkit and Curlbox but I am having a hard time choosing who to go with.  Both are black owned businesses founded and ran by African American women yes ma'am.    

     For those of you reading this and thinking what is a CurlBox and CurlKit, let me explain them real quick. These are monthly subscriptions were you are sent 5-7 samples and sometimes full size hair products in a box.  For a monthly fee of $20 charged to your credit card that you have to save on file with the companies.  Both of these companies are great for people that like to try new hair products often, cough cough (product junkies).  So with the Curlbox subscription spots are very limited and you have to wait until they have a open enrollment to subscribe to the company.  This makes the company appealing even more because it feels exclusive.  Now who doesn't want to feel like they are apart of some exclusive ish lol.  Now with the CurlKit you just sign up and you can start receiving your subscriptions the next month.

     While doing my research on the CurlBox I found a recent YouTube video where a young lady was very upset about the products and customer service from CurlBox.  She also expressed that the CEO Myleiks way of handling her concerns were very unprofessional and damn right disrespectful that she decided to take her business to CurlKit and report Myleik to the BBB.  Honey that's a whole lot of drama and madness that I will have to save for a later blog post lol.  But if you want to go watch the video you know my messy ass will have a link to it right here >>>>VIDEO!!!! <<<<<.

     Even with all the drama surrounding CurlBox I still kinda wanna subscribe one because The Curlkit seems hella bootleg to me. I know everybody is loving it and feels its so much better but to me it seems like a  straight wanna be.  I mean even the website curlkit.com seems bootleg.  Go compare the two companies sites curlbox.com just seems more fancy for a lack of a better word HAHAHA!!  Since I haven't subscribed to any of them I guess I can't be throwing shade lol.  With all that being said I think I might go ahead and roll with CurlKit.  Because even though I feel they need to hire a better graphic designer to make their website look a little better, I still have heard nothing but great things about it.
     As for Ms. Myleik well I think she needs to do a better job of not mixing her personal feelings with business, it turns off potential customers like myself.  I mean if your company is going to be a exclusive and bougee acting.  you would think one would have better "PR" skills I'm just saying.  Don't nobody got time to be going back and forward with you on Instagram because of an opinion.  Not everyone will like or love each months products you have to have a thick skin when your providing products and service especially when your dealing with these new age naturals lol.  I am very outspoken and if I feel like your being shady with your business practices I will let everybody know about it.  So I rather not have to deal with that at all...This was her first full year so hopefully she learned from her mistakes and 2013 will be better. 

thanks for your support


Update: 7 Months in Tampa and Stuff!!!!

     Hey y'all, wow its been a while since I sat down to actually write a blog post.  A lot has happen in the past few months a lot of great things.  I am happy to report that a lot of the things from my vision board has come to past.  As you guys know I have moved to Florida and its going to be seven months on 25th that I have been living here.  Time has really flew by fast my time here has been mixed with a lot of different emotions.  I have made some life long friendships here and have proven to myself something I already knew. That I can meet a friend anywhere no matter where I move to.  So I know you guys wanna know the scoop on Tampa life right? Well I don't really mix and mingle here or get out often for that matter, I know sad right?  

     Well first off the night life here is ten times better than the night life in KC hands down.  In KC their are only a handful of urban clubs to pick from.  All of them are ratchet and full of drama and violence and just all around not a place I would wanna be.  Now I'm not the clubbing type anyway but I will say Tampa has some pretty chill spots to kick it.  I have yet to feel like I'm going to get shot up at the club since I have been here.  Now lets get to the part I know you ladies (and some of you guys) wanna know.

     HOW ARE THE MEN IN TAMPA!!!  Well I am in a relationship so that could have a lot to do with my overall feelings.  No for me I have yet to see a good looking guy since I have been here or one that can dress with the current fashion trend.  A lot of the people here seem to be stuck in the 90's with fashion.  That's something I am not use to seeing back home in KC.  One thing I can say about the town is when we step out we show up and show out.  But anyway I don't wanna bash Tampa people at all so lets just move on OK!!!

     My overall feelings as of now (because they can change) I am so happy for this opportunity to live in a new City for a year.  I am so happy to have met my friends and coworkers it has truly been a blessing.  I am living my life just the way I want it.  As for my future here in Tampa long term I don't see myself living in Tampa for good.  I am currently in a long term relationship (girl that's a whole other blog post) with the goal to move back home to be with him.  Now as of right now that definitely seems like its going to happen and I am super excited to start my life with who will most likely be my husband.  But you know God has the last say and you know how the saying goes "Wanna make God laugh tell him about your plans."

Thanks for your support until
next time xoxo!!



Some of the Ratchett things on my bucket list!!

  I have a few goals I want to accomplish that some may view ass ratchett and I say oh f!@#$ing well #sueme! 

1: I wanna get my entire left side of my body tatted with a huge as leopard...I wanna get an entire sleeve on my left arm.  I also wanna get a double lip piercing.

2: I wanna buy some lace front wigs....

3: I wanna buy a 86 El Camino and get it painted all black with magenta sparkles in the paint....with all black leather on the inside and magenta trimming   I wanna blast  the song "Low Rider" through my speakers while driving slow down a neighborhood.

4: I wanna learn how to pole dance im talking about bitch drop it low pole dancing.

5: I wanna meet the porn star Pinky and have her sign my ass....and smack her on the ass

Just a few things from my bucket list!!

Like a Caged Bird!!!!

      I am truly blessed to have a job but I'm also not happy with my current situation.  I feel that I have more to offer the world besides being a bill collector/customer service rep for corporate America.  My spirit feels very unfulfilled I guess to sum it all up I feel like a caged bird.  Things that I want to accomplish In my life at this point just doesn't seem like a reality.  For the last few weeks I felt myself slip into a depression I cried almost every day for two weeks straight.  I am not happy at all with my current living situation or my job some days I just wanna step out on faith. 

     Going to the club and partying has never been my thing its just not something I like doing.  Pretty much it seems that is all that is expected of you to do when your young and have no kids.  I wanna start back doing things that make my happy and fulfilling.  I wanna eat different cultures food Indian, Italian, Haitian,African etc.  I wanna do something daring once a month like hiking,rock climbing, snorkeling etc.  Life is just too short to be sad and depressed everyday. Although I am not happy with my current situation God has giving me my health,my mind,spirit and life. For that I am truly grateful many people would do anything to have my life right now.  I am focusing on living my life to the complete full potential regardless of what I may think are road blocks.

    I thought moving to Florida would be a new fresh start but a lot of the things I was going thru in KC have followed me here.  That lets me know there is a lesson to be learned that I haven't mastered yet.  What ever God is trying to teach me I am fully ready to learn.  With that I have also learned to stop speaking things into my life that I don't want.  They say faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain, I also believe so can negativity.  I can give you guys countless examples on the things god has worked out for me.  With that being said no more tears no more depression just living. 


Chris Brown Admits to Being In Love Both Rihanna and Karreuche!!!!


     Chris Brown has posted a Video on his YouTube channel expressing his stress over being in love with two women.  Those women being Rihanna and his most recent ex girlfriend Karreuche now I don't know if this video was used as a way to get Karreuche back. But reports say she has finally broken up with Chris after he was spotted getting cozy with both Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls and with his ex-girlfriend, Rihanna.  I for one kind of feel she should of been broke up with Chris Brown's ass after he did cake with Rihanna sneak dissing Karreuche....In the song cake Rihanna sings the lyrics "Sweeter Than a Rice Cake" now to some that might seem like nothing.  But if you follow Rihanna on twitter than you know her shady ass is always calling Karreuche a rice cake because she is Vietnamese.


   I kinda feel like he is too young to be in a relationship right now.  He clearly loves really hard and doesn't understand the difference between love and lust.  Yes I think he really loved Rihanna at one point of a time but now I think he is just lusting after her.  Now with that being said I don't know anything about their story and their love.  Watching this video made me feel like he is just any other dude walking around tryna have his "CAKE" and eat it.



All naturals are NOT created equal!!!!




      I am going natural is a term a lot of African American women use when they are wanting to stop using relaxers on their hair.  Within the last few years being natural has really become the new thing to do.  Hair care companies are recognizing this and have started to tailor to the more kinky,curly ladies. I have also noticed other race of women with not so kinky hair also embracing their natural hair texture.  They have also decided to stop chemically altering their hair texture with things like dye,hair spray etc.  Now the politically correct part of me wants to say going natural is the same for all women.  However the realist in me has to keep it all the way 100. I know people may read this blog post and feel some type of way and that's ok. 

     I disagree 100% that going natural means the same thing for white woman as it does for a woman with African decent (kinky hair).  I am apart of a natural hair group on facebook where women of all ethnic backgrounds come together to embrace their natural hair journey.  There is one woman apart of this group that is white.  I don't have a problem with it however I don't think she fully understands the struggle behind going natural as a black woman would.  A big chop is a drastic approach to cutting all your hair off in order to grow your hair chemically free. I agree that any race can do the big chop however I don't agree that we would all have the same struggle.

     First off in the African American community a black woman's hair is always been used as a way to judge us.  If you are mixed and had real curly hair as a kid you were always told you had good hair.  If you had very thick course hair then you were told you had nappy hair and it needed to be relaxed.  So the stigma of showing your natural chemically unaltered hair was installed in you as a very young age as unacceptable.  A lot of African American women are living there adult life right now not having a clue on what their natural hair texture really looks like.  They assume at the very sight of new growth that there hair is unmanageable and in need of a relaxer.

     I am here to say any one can say they are going natural its cute in all. However no one will know how it feels to be called nappy headed.  To be told by a man of the same exact race,creed and color that natural hair isn't for everybody.  The feeling of doing your big chop and showing it to your family and friends and being told by loved ones you need a wig.  having to wear a wig to a job interview because your afraid you will be stereotyped, or not getting the job because of your Afro.  Being told by coworkers that your type of natural is not the good natural.  So yeah I can admit this and sorry if it offends someone but don't expect me to give a damn if your white and decide to cut all your hair off in hopes of going natural.  Yeah there are some white women out there with curly hair I know this but still honey you will never know how it feels to be a black woman with "NAPPY HAIR".



90 Day Prayer Challenge: Pray Until Something Happens (P.U.S.H)

     The 90 day prayer challange is very simple. You will pray every Day For 90 days 1 hr a day with no off days.On the first day you Talk to God about your stress,pain,worries,wants,needs,happiness,kids,husband,job whatever you want to talk about. You will try to basically get all your venting out in that one hour. The following days after you will then only give thanks and pray for others you will not ask him for anything only thank him and pray for others. When you have true faith you ask for God only once. For example lets say you are in need of a job you have been looking with no luck. You will say your prayer asking God to help you find a Good Job you will be clear in what you want. After that first prayer for the job you will then thank him for everything he has done for you so far. Even if you having gotten the job yet continue to give thanks for what he has provided for you so far. Health,Roof Over your head,Food etc.  You should continue to go to church,bible study etc this challenge is simply to help you in your faith. I will be starting this challenge Sunday 9/30/2012 with my boyfriend and a few others. You can join this challenge at any time and you don't have to do 1 full hour you can break it up through out the day. I will do weekly updates on my prayer challenge stay tuned......P.U.S.H 


Vision Boards are NOT the Devil!!!!!!

"It's ok to make a vision board as long as it aligns with the Laws of God. ... more focus on these boards than they do on God....anything can become a false god"........

     I am on a journey to have a life that is rightfully mine. I am tired of the sadness anguish and hurt of this world. I know for a fact my Lord did not attend for his children to live like this. My father is a King I come from royalty there is no way I should be living paycheck to paycheck in debt and focused so much on my job that I don't even go to church. This life is not the way God attended it to be and I can't blame anyone but myself.

     I heard about this thing called a Vision Board, a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life. I watched videos about this and heard people show how their vision boards work for them. Of course like anyone I became intrigued an wanted to know more I can accomplish my goals by posting them on a vision board? Well its more to it then that and that's when I watched a short piece of a documentary called The Secret. 

     The documentary talks about the law of attraction  a belief or theory, that "like attracts like", and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. So I took to my bible to see if the things that are being spoken about in the documentary are in the bible. Matthew 7:16 “You will know them by their fruits.”.....if another person is sharing information that can be valuable to you. For example, would you follow a person who is broke but they want to teach you about financial success? Their fruits (being broke) tell you that the information is no good. 

     I’ve never seen anything in the Bible that says “ask, and if God deems you worthy you might get it. The Bible talks about doing the work to make sure you have a place in his kingdom. You can't just sit around asking God to do things for you and not doing the leg work or living his laws of men and expect things to happen. Matthew 7 21:22 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’.....

     There’s nothing wrong or bad about the Law of Attraction, or The Secret. Take the message and create the right life for you. If cars and money aren’t your thing, then create a way of doing service for humanity. What you think of and believe you will create.
Researchers say you’ll think about 60,000 thoughts in a day. Why not consciously decide to think about things you like and let good things manifest in your life as a result? God loves you – how could it be any other way?



Who Should Play Nina Simone?

 (February 21, 1933 – April 21, 2003)
     Eunice Kathleen Waymon is Nina Simone she was a civil rights activist,jazz singer,pianist, arranger and song writer.  She was a preachers daughter who aspired to be a concert pianist.  She auditioned for a scholarship to the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in PA. Although she nailed her audition, was dined the scholarship because of her skin color. This was very heart breaking to her, not knowing then but that very moment would be the reason why we know Nina Simone. I ask that you take the time to do a little Google search on the life of Nina Simone she I promise she will not disappoint.

    As you may have heard its talks of a biopic being made about Nina Simone. Folks are upset about who has been chosen to play Nina. Originally Mary J. Blige was supposed to Play the late Nina Simone. I am not sure what happen to that idea, it looks like it has been scrapped. Although I love MJB I wasn't to thrilled about her playing the role either. I think the role should be given to actress Viola Davis honey she would do that role justice like no other.  However the role has been given to Zoe Saladana who is not African American  her mother is Puerto Rican and her father Dominican.

    Nina Simone daughter addressed her concerns in this open letter below.....This pretty much sums up my thoughts. Let me know what you think and who you think should play Nina Simone.

Greetings Nina Simone Lovers, Simone here.
I have read many of the comments am happy you all took the time to share your thoughts and feelings.
Here's mine:
When the announcement initially hit the press with MJ Blige cast as Nina (about 6 yrs ago) I heard it along with everyone else. The story was written as a love story between my mother and her former nurse, Clifton Henderson and primarily takes place during the last 8 years of her life.
Please note, this project is unauthorized. The Nina Simone Estate was never asked permission nor invited to participate.
I have seen many names regarding who you think should play the role of Nina. Remember Angela Bassett as Tina Turner? SHE NAILED IT! Angela Bassett is an ACTRESS! And, we all know she lip synced along with Tina and did an amazing job. Personally, I prefer an actress to a singer. Just because a person is great at one does not mean they will be great at the other. If written, funded and CAST PROPERLY a movie about my mother will make an lasting imprint.
My vision of a movie about my mother includes SO many pivotal moments that are monumentally important towards relaying the journey of a woman whose journey began as a child prodigy born in North Carolina in the 1930's...too many to list here but, trust when I say the tale will inspire through the sheer sharing of HOW Eunice Waymon became Nina Simone, The High Priestess Of Soul renowned worldwide. How many of you know my mother's FIRST love was classical music? Do you know the hours she practiced preparing to audition for the Curtis Institute of Music only to be rejected because of the color of her skin? **After my mother made her transition I accepted a diploma from that very same institute with a speech she began writing but was unable to finish prior to her death.** As a child, my mother was told her nose was too big and she was too dark yet she graduated valedictorian of her high school class - The Allen School for Girls - AND, skipped two grades. Nina was one of the most outspoken, prolifically gifted artists using the stage to speak out against racism during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's. Her friends included Betty Shabazz, Lorraine Hansberry (my godmother), Langston Hughes, James Baldwin, Miriam Makeba, Stokely Carmichael, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and Queens worldwide. Had she become a classical pianist, which was her dream....shattered, I doubt she would have found her true destiny. Nina Simone was a voice for her people and she spoke out HONESTLY, sang to us FROM HER SOUL, shared her joy, pain, anger and intelligence poetically in a style all her own. My mother stood up for justice, by any means necessary hahahaha YES, she was a revolutionary til the day she died. From Tragedy to Transcendence - MY VISION. The whole arc of her life which is inspirational, educational, entertaining and downright shocking at times is what needs to be told THE RIGHT WAY.
By the way:
Clifton Henderson was gay. He was not attracted to women. So, the truth is...Nina Simone and Clifton Henderson NEVER had a relationship other than a business one.
Please correct me, but isn't a biopic the story of one's life?
I have faith things will work out the right way and my mother's real story will be told. For all she endured while here and all of the lives she has touched, she DESERVES to be remembered for who she truly was; not some made up love story from a former nurse/manager (now deceased) who sold his life rights because of his relationship to Nina Simone.
Ciao Y'All....Simone



There is no other story like Jesus......

    This picture was the topic of a debate and discussion on facebook posted by who I think is a atheist.  First let me start off by saying this blog post purpose is not to push my belief on anyone. The sole purpose is to peak the interest of my readers to read the Bible for the story of my savior.  Did you notice in the picture it does not say anything about how both men were sacrificed by their fathers for men kind?  That's because there is no other man like Jesus no story like the one of his. Below is the entire conversation between me and the original poster of this picture. However I will leave you with my thoughts on Religion and God.

     A lot of people that are against the story of God and his children are often against religion. The misconception often is that Jesus and/or God are religion. That is not true God is the creator of man kind and Jesus is our savior. So in a nut shell Jesus is not my religion he is my savior he is the only way to salvation.  Religion is a man made term to categorize ones belief for example Christianity and Buddhism. I prayed before writing this blog post and God has simply asked me to direct my readers to the Bible. You must know God before you can discredit the life of his son.

  • Tiffany Jackson Both had 12 disciples.

    According to the Horus accounts, Horus had four semi-gods that were followers. There is some indication of 16 human followers and an unknown number of blacksmiths that went into battle with him. Horus did not have 12 disciples. Jesus did.
    3 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson Horus and Jesus are born from a virgin.

    Horus’s mother is Isis. Isis was married to Osiris. We do not know for what length of time, but presumably the marriage was consummated. Whether it was or wasn’t doesn’t matter though. After Osiris i...See More
    3 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson Both exorcised demons and raised Lazarus.

    The actual claim is that Horus raised Osiris from the dead and that the name Osiris morphed to Lazarus. It doesn’t matter because Horus did not bring Osiris back to life. There is no mention of this in any document regarding the story. Horus did avenge Osiris’s death, but that did not raise Osiris from the dead.
    3 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson Both held a Sermon on the Mount; both were transfigured on a mountain, died by crucifixion along with two thieves and were buried in tombs where they paid a quick visit to Hell and then rose from the dead after 3 days time, both resurrections were witness by women, and both will supposedly reign for 1,000 years in the Millennium.
    3 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson These are the most damning claims if they were proven true in my opinion. Yet, I can locate none of this. No sermon, no transfiguration, certainly no crucifixion w/ two thieves, no trip to hell and no resurrection. There was an incident in which Horus was torn to pieces and Iris requested the crocodile god to fish him out of the water he was tossed into, which was done, but that’s it.
    3 hours ago · 
  • Stephen Talbott There is nothing mentioned or any documentation regarding Jesus by any historians during "his" time. Only after 1500-1650 AD.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson What does that have to do with the fact your saying his story is copied? Rather or not these two men existed is based off ones faith......but their stories are nothing a like
    2 hours ago · 
  • Stephen Talbott True about faith, that's the max a follower is allowed to think/have/answer.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson See the thing with my love for Christ is its not my burden to prove him to anyone....
    2 hours ago · 
  • Stephen Talbott Anyone can put anything in a book and if you control the learning environment they can and will believe anything.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson See you have yet to tell me where its true Christ was copied from Horus.....like I said its not my burden to prove Christ to anyone or to tell someone their belief is wrong......all I said was Horus story is nothing like Christ and provided accurate info regarding his story......never pushed my beliefs on you sir.....
    2 hours ago ·  · 1
  • Stephen Talbott It's not the same story completely but religion is like that. Take what u want and apply to life as directed by other men.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson No, this picture clearly says Christ is a copycat......that his story is copied from Horus......see Jesus is not a religion he is a.savior.....Religion is a term that is man made
    2 hours ago · 
  • Stephen Talbott Doesn't say copycat, just talks about originality
    2 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson Dear sir this picture is clearly calling the story and life of Jesus last name Christ (lol) a carbon copy of the Egyptian God Horus.....
    about an hour ago ·  · 1
  • Tiffany Jackson Felicia T. Hatchett I wanted to tag you in this post
  • Andrew Fine Look up Zoroastrianism and you will find a similar story as well. Doesn't mean jesus's account isn't true. By the way, where are you getting that Jesus wasn't historical during his life. That is completely new to me. And historians recognize the life of Jesus
    19 minutes ago ·  · 1
  • Jeremy White Agreed. Also, the predictioms of the messiah predate horus
    15 minutes ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson There are so many arguments like this one....But if you notice in the picture it doesn't say both men. Where sacrificed by their fathers for man kind.

a set of beliefs concerning the cause, natureand purposeof the universe, especially when considered as the creationof a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involvingdevotional and ritual observances, and often containing amoral code governing the conduct of human affairs.