
Who Should Play Nina Simone?

 (February 21, 1933 – April 21, 2003)
     Eunice Kathleen Waymon is Nina Simone she was a civil rights activist,jazz singer,pianist, arranger and song writer.  She was a preachers daughter who aspired to be a concert pianist.  She auditioned for a scholarship to the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in PA. Although she nailed her audition, was dined the scholarship because of her skin color. This was very heart breaking to her, not knowing then but that very moment would be the reason why we know Nina Simone. I ask that you take the time to do a little Google search on the life of Nina Simone she I promise she will not disappoint.

    As you may have heard its talks of a biopic being made about Nina Simone. Folks are upset about who has been chosen to play Nina. Originally Mary J. Blige was supposed to Play the late Nina Simone. I am not sure what happen to that idea, it looks like it has been scrapped. Although I love MJB I wasn't to thrilled about her playing the role either. I think the role should be given to actress Viola Davis honey she would do that role justice like no other.  However the role has been given to Zoe Saladana who is not African American  her mother is Puerto Rican and her father Dominican.

    Nina Simone daughter addressed her concerns in this open letter below.....This pretty much sums up my thoughts. Let me know what you think and who you think should play Nina Simone.

Greetings Nina Simone Lovers, Simone here.
I have read many of the comments am happy you all took the time to share your thoughts and feelings.
Here's mine:
When the announcement initially hit the press with MJ Blige cast as Nina (about 6 yrs ago) I heard it along with everyone else. The story was written as a love story between my mother and her former nurse, Clifton Henderson and primarily takes place during the last 8 years of her life.
Please note, this project is unauthorized. The Nina Simone Estate was never asked permission nor invited to participate.
I have seen many names regarding who you think should play the role of Nina. Remember Angela Bassett as Tina Turner? SHE NAILED IT! Angela Bassett is an ACTRESS! And, we all know she lip synced along with Tina and did an amazing job. Personally, I prefer an actress to a singer. Just because a person is great at one does not mean they will be great at the other. If written, funded and CAST PROPERLY a movie about my mother will make an lasting imprint.
My vision of a movie about my mother includes SO many pivotal moments that are monumentally important towards relaying the journey of a woman whose journey began as a child prodigy born in North Carolina in the 1930's...too many to list here but, trust when I say the tale will inspire through the sheer sharing of HOW Eunice Waymon became Nina Simone, The High Priestess Of Soul renowned worldwide. How many of you know my mother's FIRST love was classical music? Do you know the hours she practiced preparing to audition for the Curtis Institute of Music only to be rejected because of the color of her skin? **After my mother made her transition I accepted a diploma from that very same institute with a speech she began writing but was unable to finish prior to her death.** As a child, my mother was told her nose was too big and she was too dark yet she graduated valedictorian of her high school class - The Allen School for Girls - AND, skipped two grades. Nina was one of the most outspoken, prolifically gifted artists using the stage to speak out against racism during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's. Her friends included Betty Shabazz, Lorraine Hansberry (my godmother), Langston Hughes, James Baldwin, Miriam Makeba, Stokely Carmichael, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and Queens worldwide. Had she become a classical pianist, which was her dream....shattered, I doubt she would have found her true destiny. Nina Simone was a voice for her people and she spoke out HONESTLY, sang to us FROM HER SOUL, shared her joy, pain, anger and intelligence poetically in a style all her own. My mother stood up for justice, by any means necessary hahahaha YES, she was a revolutionary til the day she died. From Tragedy to Transcendence - MY VISION. The whole arc of her life which is inspirational, educational, entertaining and downright shocking at times is what needs to be told THE RIGHT WAY.
By the way:
Clifton Henderson was gay. He was not attracted to women. So, the truth is...Nina Simone and Clifton Henderson NEVER had a relationship other than a business one.
Please correct me, but isn't a biopic the story of one's life?
I have faith things will work out the right way and my mother's real story will be told. For all she endured while here and all of the lives she has touched, she DESERVES to be remembered for who she truly was; not some made up love story from a former nurse/manager (now deceased) who sold his life rights because of his relationship to Nina Simone.
Ciao Y'All....Simone



There is no other story like Jesus......

    This picture was the topic of a debate and discussion on facebook posted by who I think is a atheist.  First let me start off by saying this blog post purpose is not to push my belief on anyone. The sole purpose is to peak the interest of my readers to read the Bible for the story of my savior.  Did you notice in the picture it does not say anything about how both men were sacrificed by their fathers for men kind?  That's because there is no other man like Jesus no story like the one of his. Below is the entire conversation between me and the original poster of this picture. However I will leave you with my thoughts on Religion and God.

     A lot of people that are against the story of God and his children are often against religion. The misconception often is that Jesus and/or God are religion. That is not true God is the creator of man kind and Jesus is our savior. So in a nut shell Jesus is not my religion he is my savior he is the only way to salvation.  Religion is a man made term to categorize ones belief for example Christianity and Buddhism. I prayed before writing this blog post and God has simply asked me to direct my readers to the Bible. You must know God before you can discredit the life of his son.

  • Tiffany Jackson Both had 12 disciples.

    According to the Horus accounts, Horus had four semi-gods that were followers. There is some indication of 16 human followers and an unknown number of blacksmiths that went into battle with him. Horus did not have 12 disciples. Jesus did.
    3 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson Horus and Jesus are born from a virgin.

    Horus’s mother is Isis. Isis was married to Osiris. We do not know for what length of time, but presumably the marriage was consummated. Whether it was or wasn’t doesn’t matter though. After Osiris i...See More
    3 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson Both exorcised demons and raised Lazarus.

    The actual claim is that Horus raised Osiris from the dead and that the name Osiris morphed to Lazarus. It doesn’t matter because Horus did not bring Osiris back to life. There is no mention of this in any document regarding the story. Horus did avenge Osiris’s death, but that did not raise Osiris from the dead.
    3 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson Both held a Sermon on the Mount; both were transfigured on a mountain, died by crucifixion along with two thieves and were buried in tombs where they paid a quick visit to Hell and then rose from the dead after 3 days time, both resurrections were witness by women, and both will supposedly reign for 1,000 years in the Millennium.
    3 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson These are the most damning claims if they were proven true in my opinion. Yet, I can locate none of this. No sermon, no transfiguration, certainly no crucifixion w/ two thieves, no trip to hell and no resurrection. There was an incident in which Horus was torn to pieces and Iris requested the crocodile god to fish him out of the water he was tossed into, which was done, but that’s it.
    3 hours ago · 
  • Stephen Talbott There is nothing mentioned or any documentation regarding Jesus by any historians during "his" time. Only after 1500-1650 AD.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson What does that have to do with the fact your saying his story is copied? Rather or not these two men existed is based off ones faith......but their stories are nothing a like
    2 hours ago · 
  • Stephen Talbott True about faith, that's the max a follower is allowed to think/have/answer.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson See the thing with my love for Christ is its not my burden to prove him to anyone....
    2 hours ago · 
  • Stephen Talbott Anyone can put anything in a book and if you control the learning environment they can and will believe anything.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson See you have yet to tell me where its true Christ was copied from Horus.....like I said its not my burden to prove Christ to anyone or to tell someone their belief is wrong......all I said was Horus story is nothing like Christ and provided accurate info regarding his story......never pushed my beliefs on you sir.....
    2 hours ago ·  · 1
  • Stephen Talbott It's not the same story completely but religion is like that. Take what u want and apply to life as directed by other men.
    2 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson No, this picture clearly says Christ is a copycat......that his story is copied from Horus......see Jesus is not a religion he is a.savior.....Religion is a term that is man made
    2 hours ago · 
  • Stephen Talbott Doesn't say copycat, just talks about originality
    2 hours ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson Dear sir this picture is clearly calling the story and life of Jesus last name Christ (lol) a carbon copy of the Egyptian God Horus.....
    about an hour ago ·  · 1
  • Tiffany Jackson Felicia T. Hatchett I wanted to tag you in this post
  • Andrew Fine Look up Zoroastrianism and you will find a similar story as well. Doesn't mean jesus's account isn't true. By the way, where are you getting that Jesus wasn't historical during his life. That is completely new to me. And historians recognize the life of Jesus
    19 minutes ago ·  · 1
  • Jeremy White Agreed. Also, the predictioms of the messiah predate horus
    15 minutes ago · 
  • Tiffany Jackson There are so many arguments like this one....But if you notice in the picture it doesn't say both men. Where sacrificed by their fathers for man kind.

a set of beliefs concerning the cause, natureand purposeof the universe, especially when considered as the creationof a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involvingdevotional and ritual observances, and often containing amoral code governing the conduct of human affairs.