
I Did The Big Chop Again!!!

I Big Chopped Again

     As I'm sure you already know I did a second big chop after 3+ years of being completely natural.  This decision came out the blue a week after my wedding I had so many emotions going through my head.  I will fill you guys in a later post down the the line.  However those feelings lead to me going to my old salon where I used to get my hair fried dyed and slayed to the side. However this time I was walking on the Barber side of the salon. The barber who has known me for years was very shocked that I wanted to cut all my hair off. He kept asking me was I sure and honestly I have never felt so sure in my life.  I remember after I did my first big chop always feeling as if I should have just got my fade instead of the mini fro. Back then I was scared of what people would say and I couldn't do it.  This time around it was a lot different I did not care what anybody thought.  So I sat in the barbers chair and he went to work and after I felt so free.  I know that sounds so cliche but its true.  I had just gotten married and felt like cutting my hair was starting a new chapter in my life, matter fact it felt like it was the beginning of a whole new book.  I love the fact that I have grown into this woman who is not defined by my appearance I can rock anything.

   I would like this post to encourage anyone out there that may be thinking about doing a big chop.  This short style may not be something that works for you.  However short or long you want you hair just do it.  I honestly think there is nothing more beautiful then wearing your natural hair texture.  Because I am a black woman I am exotic my look is timeless and I can rock anything. From weave,braids or a low cut fade.  I feel so sexy with my hair and honestly I think it matures me.  I could care less about my critics or what anybody thinks.  Honestly getting married had a lot to do with this decision and over coming my personal insecurities.  I do plan on growing my hair out again once I become pregnant until then I will keep rocking the fade. May God continue to bless us all thanks for reading stay beautiful and be inspired.